Elder Bruce Hage Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Maurice B. Bateman (1984 - 1987) |
Served: 1984 - 1986 |
Areas Served: Kempton Park
Mabopane |
Companions: Brett Alan Folkman | Jesse Sutton Hironymous | Andre Rudolf Kruger | Brian R. Newbold | Willem Swart |
Your Occupation: Floor Installer |
Spouse: Camilla |
Comments: I guess it's time to check in. I wish I was able to attend the missionary reunion in SLC this past conference. Missionary work is always on my mind these days. I am the ward mission leader in my ward, so I am out teaching with the missionaries a lot. I really love it! My wife was released as the relief society president two weeks ago and is now a ward missionary. Finally, I get to tell her what to do. ha ha! My Kids are getting bigger. My daughter is heading off to Central Washington University this fall. She got a soccer scholarship playing for the wildcats. I am very proud of her; and she still likes being Mormon! Crosby, my 15 year old, is doing great. He has down syndrome and just being part of his developement is blessing in itself. He truly brings a unique aspect to the family dynamic. He's been passing the sacrament for the past few years, and his quorum really supports him in everything. Ethan, my youngest in the wilderness. ha ha He's growing so fast. He turned ten in April and loves playing baseball and going to scouts. School is a social event for him and oh ya, everything is a social event for him. He is an extremley "happy go lucky" kid. He loves primary, and I think his teachers love him too. ha ha. That's about it with the Hages. Until the next update, I hope every is doing great--and keep on keeping on! |
Created: 05 Jan 2004 Modified: 03 May 2009 |
Last Login: 03 May 2009 07:38:32 AM |