Elder Carl Raubenheimer Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Peter Mourik (1990 - 1993) |
Served: 1990 - 1992 |
Areas Served: South Africa: Centurion, Mmbathu, Springs, Pretoria, Krugersdorp, Soweto Swaziland: Manzini |
Companions: Joel Barraza | Brett S. Evers | Gary William Gadeski | William Christopher Hauver | Matthew Lewis | Simon Malpage |
Your Occupation: Sales Director for a Security Company |
Spouse: Tanja Bruwer Raubenheimer |
Comments: [3 October 2001] We have three beautiful little girls, aged 7, 5 and 2. Carl is serving as Bishop and Tanja is a Seminary and Sunday School Teacher. We are looking forward to visiting the US July next year and hope to see all our good friends. |
Created: 28 Aug 2001 Modified: 28 Aug 2001 |
Last Login: 28 Aug 2001 12:33:10 PM |