Sister Heather Elsbeth Drummond1254 Vintner Way Pleasanton, California 94566
(925) 426-9188
(925) 640-8012
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Presidents: LeRoy K. Berrett (2002 - 2005) | Kenneth Brailsford (2005 - 2008) |
Served: 2004 - 2005 |
Language(s) spoken:English |
Areas Served: Orangeburg, Chapin/Dutch Fork, Greenwood, Blythewood/Summit |
Companions: Melissa Jo Hansen | Melissa Jo Hansen | Melissa Anne Mccauley |
Your Occupation: Medical Assistant |
Spouse: Still looking! |
Comments: I am currently working as a medical assistant for 2 physicians who specialize in physical medicine and rehabilitation. I do a lot of traveling to their various offices throughout the San Francisco Bay Area. I am living at home and attending the local singles ward. No significant other yet! I graduated from BYU-Idaho in April 2007 with a BS degree in University Studies and medical assisting with a music minor in voice and I am currently applying to nursing schools for my RN. I miss the mission a lot and would love to hear from anyone I served with. I also served with Sisters Christensen, Hammer, Lucherini, Hatch, Seumanu and Gray. |
Created: 23 Jan 2006 Modified: 23 Feb 2008 |
Last Login: 23 Feb 2008 03:54:55 PM |