[Portuguese Flag] *** Spain, Las Palmas ***

(The Canary Islands)
[Spain Flag]
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Sister Cort Berne Leavitt

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Jorge Alberto Prieto (1997 - 2000)
Served: 1999 - 2001
Areas Served:
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Raymond D Bunderson | John Christiansen | Stephen Taylor Park | Kevin Scott Purcell
I have just recieved my call to the Las Palmas Spain Mission and go into the MTC on October 6,1999 If anyone has any information that could be a help, anything I should bring from the States, or any advice please inform me by writing me or e-mailing
Created: 05 Jun 1999  Modified: 05 Jun 1999
Last Login: 18 Oct 2002 04:22:07 PM

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