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Elder John Christiansen

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Jorge Alberto Prieto (1997 - 2000) | Carl Carl Morrison (2000 - 2003)
Served: 1999 - 2001
Areas Served:
Guimar, La Orotava, El Polvorin, Santa Cruz, El Paso, Los Realejos
William Laurel Brewer | Ron Ellsworth | Cameron Ferre | Jackson Leavitt Hardy | Jake LaMont Hebdon | Douglas James Hughes | David John Jensen | Cort Berne Leavitt | Kevin Scott Purcell
Your Occupation: 1st Year Med Student
Spouse: Ashley Marie McKell
I finally changed the 2nd year law student joke under profession to 1st year med student. I'm doing my first year here in Iowa.
Created: 04 Oct 2002  Modified: 13 Sep 2005
Last Login: 13 Sep 2005 05:34:55 AM

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