Switzerland Geneva

Displaying 1 - 10 of 122
Name Title Served President Updated
Baczuk, Eric Alan Elder 1981-1983 Bennion | Hutchings 2004-04-19
(Bagley) Boman, Tianne Sister 1987-1989 Hassell 2006-03-31
Bailey, Catherine Marie (DeVos) Sister 1982-1983 Hutchings 2002-03-29
Bailey, Jeremy T O Elder 2001-2003 Kacher | Nadauld 2005-01-22
Bailey, Joshua Wayne Elder 1998-2000 Allen 2006-08-23
Bailey, Mark Lawrence Elder 1968-1970 Nelson | Didier 2006-03-30
Bair, Marcia Sister 1977-1979 2005-10-03
Baird, Rourk N. Elder 1981-1982 Bennion | Hutchings 2013-03-19
Baird, Zane Elder 1987-1989 Hassell 2007-06-06
(Baker) Hatch, Katie Jan Sister 1994-1996 2007-01-04

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