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Elder Mark L. Sabey

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Owen James Stevens (1976 - 1979) | David J. Bennion (1979 - 1982)
Served: 1979 - 1980
Language(s) spoken:French
Areas Served:
St. Laurent du Var, Marseille, Dijon, Chalon sur Soane, Clermont Ferrand
John Perry Sandorf | David Yates
Your Occupation: attorney--litigation
Spouse: Lisa
My wife, Lisa, served a mission in Taiwan. We met at BYU during my last year of law school. We have six children, five boys and one girl. Our oldest is in the MTC, preparing to serve in Taichung, Taiwan mission. Our youngest is nine years old. I graduated from BYU law school in 1986, clerked for the Utah Supreme Court for a year and practice law in the areas of health care, hospitals and litigation. I am currently serving as Bishop of the Littleton 5th Ward in Colorado and my wife teaches gospel doctrine. In all my years in the Church, I have never heard a better, more inspiring teacher than President Bennion. His zone conferences and his love still resonate in my soul. His Henry V and "Give me this mountain" zone conferences were so powerful! I (and most of my children) have the band of brothers speech from Henry V memorized.
Created: 26 Sep 2005  Modified: 26 Sep 2005
Last Login: 19 Oct 2005 10:24:14 AM

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