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Robert William Bennett II Alumni Photo

Elder Robert William Bennett II

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David J. Bennion (1979 - 1982)
Served: 1979 - 1981
Language(s) spoken:French
Areas Served:
MTC w/ Billings
Villenueve Loubet (Nice) w/ Kane
Marseille w/ Taylor,Stewart, Munden
Marseille La Canib. w/ Nelson
Arles w/ Hamilton, Vicchrilli, Hook
Martigue w/Snow, Colson
La Chaux-de-Fonds w/Bell, McCleary
Vevey w/Meyer, Brockbank, Langdon
Alexander Rennie Bell | Kip A. Billings | Jim Colson | Steven Montgomery Kane | James Meyer | Greg Taylor
Your Occupation: Accountant/CFO/Consultant
Spouse: Jana Christensen
9/29/2009 UPDATE - Wow - 3 more years! We have moved to Harrisonburg, VA in the beautiful Shenandoah Valley.

7/7/2006 UPDATE - A new picture of our family! Our 5 year old turned 6 today, and I am only reminded how fast our youth fades away. My mission memories however, are lasting a lifetime - THANK YOU ALL. Our oldest is back in Europe at Cambridge University, England - Honors Thesis over the summer. We sent Katherine (15) and Miriam (13) to meet up with her for a tour of Italy and London for three weeks. From the scant messages we have received they are having a great and very memorable time. I am back at University! Psychology and Psychiatry for several years... I should have my head examined! William received his mission call - Montreal, French speaking. Leaves 7/19 I will fly out with him and we will enjoy a Temple session together in SLC and then to the MTC - what a head warp!

Married Jana Christensen 6/22/84 (while serving in Cambridge University Ward Bishopric), 8 children, we live in Lexington, MA. We have had many challenges and difficulties, but a Very Wonderful Life. Still understanding all the lessons I learned in the "field". Thanks for everything, especially your patience.
I am currently serving on the High Council in MA Cambridge Stake. 2 are at BYU; one graduating, another leaving on a mission, soon-ish. The youngest just started kindergarten! Last year I took my oldest son on a humanitarian service project to Moscow and Armenia, and our oldest daughter just returned home from working in the Scottish Parliament. Most play the piano and something else. We are all doing well and enjoying the blessings of the restored Gospel.

Where are the rest of you?
Created: 23 Sep 2005  Modified: 08 Feb 2012
Last Login: 08 Feb 2012 06:32:39 AM

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