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Trina Dorleen Talbot Alumni Photo

Sister Trina Dorleen Talbot

4077 Inglewood Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90066


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Rex J Allen (1997 - 2000)
Served: 1998 - 2000
Language(s) spoken:French
Areas Served:
Chatelaine, St. Genis, Chambery, La Chaux De Fonds
Megen Anderson (Brown) | Bobbi Dawn Edwards (Freeman) | Stephanie Dawn Koegler (Johnson)
Your Occupation: Pediatric Oncology, RN
Life is full of so many blessings--too many to count!! And although it can be full of many trials as well, we are so very lucky to have the gospel in our lives to help keep us smiling through each and every day!! :)

As for me, I am still working as a Pediatric Oncology, RN--and what a joy those kids are in my life!! With their little bald heads and big hearts, how could you not just fall in love with them all?!

I also just began working as personal trainer at 24hour fitness where I teach Group X classes at least 3 times a week--and love very minute of it!!

Last Christmas I moved to Arizona (thinking that i would only be here a short time) but ended up "putting roots down" and bought a condo in Mesa 2 months ago. I'm not sure if I feel old enough to be a homeowner yet, but I did just turn 30 (yikes) last month and so I guess now is as good as time as any to grow up :)

Thanks to everyone who came to the mission reunion in April (and to all those who helped plan it). It was incredible seeing everyone and catching up on the lives of those I love most!!

The gospel is true!! and the greatest blessings in our lives are all the many mission memories we have to prove it :)
Created: 29 Jun 2006  Modified: 01 Mar 2009
Last Login: 28 Nov 2009 08:09:10 AM

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