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Elder Daniel A Stone

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David J. Bennion (1979 - 1982) | R. Bay Hutchings (1982 - 1984)
Served: 1981 - 1983
Language(s) spoken:French
Areas Served:
Marseille, Nice, Toulon, Toulouse, Montpellier, Lyon, Neuchatel
Rourk N. Baird | Michael "Corey" Freebairn | Ron Price | John L Sullivan | Bryan K Walton | Kenneth John Wheeler
Your Occupation: US Postal Service
Spouse: BunnySue T Holdaway-Stone
Since returning from the mission field, I have been blessed to live out many of my dreams: I have a beautiful wife, 5 wonderful children, and have held many church callings.

I know that it was the pleasure of service; the Elders and Sisters of the mission, the people of France and Switzerland; that prepared me to receive these blessings.

The mission experience has also prepared me to overcome adversity and while some scars may never heal, the trick is to turn them into laugh lines.

I thank each of you for your service and example.

O be wise, what more can I say?
Created: 13 Oct 2006  Modified: 13 Oct 2006
Last Login: 05 Dec 2004 11:01:11 PM

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