Switzerland Geneva

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Elder Kay Allen Eddington

1499 N 800 W
Mapleton, UT 84664

(801) 419-3896

Current Address
1100 West Ave Apt 1015
Miami Beach, FL 33139

(786) 301-2142

Send Email
Glen Lund (1994 - 1997) | Rex J Allen (1997 - 2000)
Served: 1996 - 1998
Areas Served:
Neuchatel, Dijon, Grenoble, Geneva
Aaron Nelson Lichfield | Monte Rance Macgillivray | Clayton Tycksen | Christopher Michael Viveros
Your Occupation: Pediatrician
Spouse: single
I finished medical school in May of 2005 and moved from snowy Albany, New York to sunny Miami Beach. I'm now in my pediatric residency at Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami and am loving every minute of it. It's great to be doing what I've wanted to do for years, and I'm having fun learning Spanish and Haitian Creole.
Created: 15 Oct 2002  Modified: 21 Feb 2006
Last Login: 21 Feb 2006 02:23:44 AM

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