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Elder Trent Lynn Smith

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Rex J Allen (1997 - 2000) | Larry S Kacher (2000 - 2003)
Served: 1999 - 2001
Areas Served:
Yverdon, Fribourg, Dijon, Besancon, Grenoble, Geneve
Adam John Flitton | Jeffrey LaBelle Lee | Aaron David Mortensen | Steven Walker Salmon | Richard E Trowbridge
Your Occupation: loan officer/mortgage bank
Spouse: pending
Hey everyone,
I am just living in Utah and being pretty boring, I am working for a mortgage banker and am loving it. I am the gospel doctrine teacher in my singles ward. I am currently dating a young girl by the name of Andrea and things are going well. I am going to BYU and studying business finance and might minor in French. I keep pretty good contact with my friends and converts in Switz. and France. I'll hopefully go back this summer, but not sure yet. Other than that I'm just playing soccer and basketball and recently did the St. George marathon, so that was pretty fun. I'm travling quite a bit also since one of my roommates has his own plane, that makes for fun weekends. I love you "guys".
"Elder" Trent L. Smith
Created: 24 Jan 2003  Modified: 05 Feb 2004
Last Login: 05 Feb 2004 09:26:51 PM

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