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 | Sister Jennifer Schill (Hess) Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Richard W. Thatcher (1990 - 1991) | James F. Cobb (1991 - 1994) | Served: 1990 - 1991 | Areas Served: Annemasse, Neuchatel, Lyon, Morges | Companions: Michelle Johnson (Winward) | Nesasha Lacefield (Harris) | Bonnie Schroader (Horne) | Your Occupation: homemaker | Spouse: Steve Schill | Comments: I married Steve Schill who also served in this mission, although we never met while we were in Switzerland/France. I knew his sister and actually met him when she invited me to a baby shower at his house. We lived in Columbia, SC for eight years and moved to Utah in preparation for a move to the Dominican Republic that ended up falling through, so now we live in Utah and Steve frequently "commutes" to the Caribbean. With his travel schedule, it has been nice for me to be near family.
We have two beautiful girls: Aubree (born April '94) and Brinnan (born October '96). They love to read and are creative, fun, and intelligent! They are a real joy (most of the time)! We also have another daughter due in June! |
Created: 19 Feb 2003 Modified: 27 Mar 2006 |
Last Login: 27 Mar 2006 04:55:58 PM |
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