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Lee DeCamp

PO Box 172
Independence, Or 97351

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Hello to you all! It is wounderful that this site is available for us to share! Thank you.
I served from May 79 to May 81.
I am retired divorced and remarried. The Lord has been so kind to me and has helped me in my life. My wife and I will be retired by the time we see you this fall. In my first marriage, we had no children dispite our efforts and adoption attempts.
I was blessed for one year as a veteran's employment representative in Newport Oregon. If you look on Map Quest for fun, look up Seal Rock Oregon. I lived there in the summer of 2003. My cottage looked over the ocean and as I recovered from the divorce, I would walk on the beach and pray, then look behind me to see the foot prints in the sand. It was a beautiful time of my life. I have plenty more to tell you! You will have to wait till we see you all! I have a great idea! Wouldn't it be nice to have us say something brief about how things are now in our lives to the rest of the group?
Love in Christ,

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