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Stories: Hello Mr Chicken, I'm Mr. Bean!

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Hello Mr Chicken, I'm Mr. Bean! 21 Mar 2007
This story was related to me by Elder Craig Gossage while we were on a ZL Switch in Besancon. We served under President Sperry. Elder Gossage was porting with his companion at the time, Elder Bean. They walked up to the door and rang the bell and then noticed the placard on the door said: "Monsieur Poulet" Elder Bean quips in a funny voice, "Hello Mr. Chicken, I'm Mr. Bean!" Which cracks Elder Gossage up so bad he starts laughing hysterically. "Mr. Chicken" then opens the door to be confronted by two silly americans laughing so hard they can't speak. When Goose (Elder Gossage's nickname) gets himself under control enough to talk he then proceeds to make a bad situation worse by trying to translate the joke. Voyez, Monsieur, votre nomme en anglais....poulet, cela veut dire 'Chicken', et mon companion s'appelle Bean, qui veut dire 'haricot' en francais. Alors, ils vient de me dire, "Bon Jour Mr. Poulet, je m'appelle Mr. Haricot!" At this point the guy slams the door in their faces and they laugh their guts out some more. Hmmmm sometimes english/french humor just doesnt trantlate!
Paul McIlrath Send Email

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