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Stories: Stranded at Chateau de Gruyeres

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Stranded at Chateau de Gruyeres 14 Sep 2003
This story apparently got wide circulation througout the Mission while I was there. While serving in Vevey, the whole zone got together along with the mission president & his wife and the office Elders. We piled in about three vehicles and headed out to Gruyeres to tour the cheese factory there and the castle. After we toured the castle we checked out all the shops in the little village just outside the castle. I saw a cute little shop I wanted to check out just for one second, so I ducked in, and apparently my companion didn't see me duck in and we got separated. Well, I struck up a conversation with the shopkeeper that lasted longer than I planned, and when I came out of the shop all the other missionaries were gone! I ran down to the parking lot and sure enough they had all left! I was stranded in Gruyeres! I knew they would eventually figure out I wasn't with them so I didn't worry, I just hung out in the parking lot and sure enough aftwe waiting an hour and a half one of the vehicles showed up with I believe a couple of the office elders. When I got back to Vevey I was reunited with my companion. Apparently no one realized I was missing until they had all gotten back to Vevey. Everyone thought I was in one of the other vehicles. Apparently a lot of people were concerned about me that I was going to freak out or something being on my own for 1 1/2 hours. They forget that I lived on my own for 2 1/2 years while at college before my mission. Anyway, apparently the Mission President felt really bad about leaving me behind too. I was sufficiently chastened.
Frederick Durand Provoncha Send Email

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