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Stories: Charity

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Charity 03 Jul 2005
I’ve read the comments made by the Fergusons’ and I was saddened by it. I have never heard about this story, even living in this mission area for a long time. I don’t think nobody should know what happened to this sister missionary today, or about any other unfortunate stories of “unworthy” missionaries. It seems to be more of a personal matter. I think that this site should be use for anybody who wants to keep in touch with members, non-members, missionaries, ex-missionaries, etc…and not be a site reserved for “worthy perfect people” who….. by the way….. do not exist! :) We should hope that when WE go out of the straight path, ANY time during our life, we can feel the Love of God and of our brothers and sisters who can help us change and become the greatest person our Heavenly Father knows we can be.
Nelli Bonny Send Email

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