Stories: Chapel at Bora Bora
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After reading the story of the destruction of the chapel at Bora Bora by Elder Morrison, I recalled an interesting story of answered prayers in that same chapel. It was 1966. My senior companion was Elder Harmer from Clearfield Utah. Aneu Atiu was the branch president, his wife's name was Tirii. I can't remember the names of there children.
Periodically, Elder Harmer and I would go down the road across from the store(which likely was the same one in Elder Morrision's story) and play basketball with the local youth. It was a dirt court with hoops hung on poles made from coconut tree trunks. On this particular day, a French naval vessel had anchored in at the old WWII american base and a group of the young sailors challenged us to a game of basket ball. We played for quite some time with us and the Bora Bora youth against the Farani's. Don't remember who won, but do remember that we were filthy dirty from the dirt court and much perspiration. Elder Harmer and I had a meeting scheduled to teach one of the few investigators we had and headed back to the elder's quarters to shower and change clothes. The shower was a little lean-to with a cruched coral floor and a shower head. No hot water. The running water on Bora Bora was fed through piping from a reservoir up on the mountain. Occasionally the water usage in the village outstripped the available water in the reservoir and there would be no water until the reservior refilled. Well when we got back to take showers, there was no water. Elder Harmer, being one of great faith, had us kneel down and offer a simple prayer for the Lord to make water available so we could be presentable and keep our appointment with our investigator. No sooner had we finished the prayer and raised from our knees than the water immediately began flowing! We showered quickly and made it to our appointment. Nothing quite as earth shattering as a hurricane, but was quite a testimony to me, a young new elder, as to the power of prayer. |
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