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I have the opportunity to visit Raiatea and Huahine for the first time since my mission from 1972 - 1974. If there is anyone from this time period who knows of members from that time, particularly from Tevaitoa and Avera, could you send me contact information for them. I would like the opportunity to visit with them. Thanks.
Matt Smith's funeral service was held this morning, July 21, 2012 in Springville, Utah. The stake house was filled with family, friends and Tahitian missionaries, as well as, many members from Tahiti. Attached is the program with a list of the speakers. A brother read his life sketch. His three children spoke about different aspects of his life. His former missionary companion and life long friend, Larry Kacher, spoke. A large group of Tahitian missionaries and Tahitians sang "Did you Think to Pray" in French and Tahitian. After the bishop's remarks, Elder Tad Callister of the Presidency of the Seventy was the concluding speaker. He commented on Matt's transfer to a new missionary assignment and focused on the eternal relationship of Matthew and Susan Smith.
Those people who would like to send their comments to Susan Smith may do so via email at
Senior missionaries in attendance were Connie and Jerry Faerber, Ralph and Robyn Lewis, Becky and Steve Peterson, Vean and Marie Boman, Ira and Janice Tree, Rene and Lorna Teriipaea, Steven and Coralie Pusey, and Ward and Susan Belliston. Approximately 30 young missionaries, who served with President Smith were in attendance. Visiting from Tahiti were Alex, Vaiea and Heialani Baude, Freddy and Jenny Riemer and family. Many Tahitians who now live in the states also came.
It is still hard to believe that we won't see President Matthew Smith again in this life.
1952 TO 1955 1986,1987
VEWING NOV.30 2010 6 TO 8
I understand everything is expensive in Tahiti but are bikes available and if so at what cost? How about other things such as irons, hair dryers, etc. Thanks.
Does anyone know what ever happened to Elder Gorgoni or Elder B. Jones who served 1980-82 under Pres. Mack/Larson? I'm trying to track them down and any information would be very welcomed.
I am saddened to note the recent death of one of our dear missionaries, Elder Derek Johns. His funeral is Thursday, February 4th in Spanish Fork, Utah. Elder Johns served well and faithfully in Tahiti. He had a great sense of humor and was willing to share that, along with his testimony, with others he met. I express my sorrow to his family at his passing. He is, no doubt, continuing his teaching of the Gospel to others!
Chery Doucet Benacek is looking for Frosty Deurden, a sister missionary in the 1960's. Can anyone help me find her? Please contact me at Thanks.
Another project of mine is to make a giant collection of old photographs relating to the Tahiti Papeete mission and the members of Tahiti. A number of years ago I made such a collection on CD. Recently I have recreated the collection on the internet to make it available for all to see. It is my hope that all will enjoy looking at these photos, and perhaps add to the collection, either by contributing photographs or by just adding information about existing pictures.
I have tried to document the pictures as best I can, but I am sure that there are people out there who can better document these photographs.
The collection is searchable, but the search is only as good as the current documentation. When viewing, please take the time to search on the word "unidentified" to see all the photos that have unidentified people in them. If you recognize anyone, please let me know and I'll add the information to the collection.
The web site is still in the construction phase, so if for some reason the link doesn't work, please try back later.
To see the collection go to:
A number of years ago I had an opportunity to record a small group of members singing some of the hymns from the old hymn book.
I recently found them again, and decided to share them with everyone. While they're not professional recordings by any means, they do bring back wonderful memories.
Here is a great website for news from Tahiti.
It has daily news written in French (or you can select English version).
It also has the daily TV news in French and Tahitian. To listen to it turn up your speakers.
You have to log on and create an identity and password. Click on "audio/video" There will be a pop up menu to register. After you have submitted your request. They will email you with a permission to log on. Do so within 48 hours.
Once you do that you can go to the restricted sites to see and hear the daily tv news in French and/or Tahitian.
When you click on audio/video there will be three choices on the middle right.
The top one will be a Fait du jour (en francais)
Middle J.T. (francais)
Bottom J.T. (reo maohi)
You can click on news for the last 30 days.
Select the date you want then click on lancer la video
Be prepared for some fast speaking!
You can practice listening to Tahitian or French
Optional: They can also send you daily emails with Tahiti news in French or English
Ia ora na outou,
Here is latest information for the upcoming Tahiti Temple dedication and cultural event.
Note the information for viewing the events at the Joseph Smith Building in Salt Lake City.
This is found at,11273,1896-1,00.html
Open House
The Papeete Tahiti Temple open house will be held
Saturday, October 14, 2006, and continue through
Saturday, November 4, 2006, excluding Sundays.
Tours will be held from 9:00 a.m. through 9:00 p.m.
Reservations are not required.
Member Meeting and Cultural Celebration
The member meeting and cultural celebration will be
held at the Papeete Stadium in Papeete, Tahiti on
Saturday, November 11, 2006.
Those planning to attend should be seated 30 minutes
prior to the start of the meeting.
The member meeting will begin at 6:00 p.m. (local time)
and the cultural celebration will begin at 7:10 p.m. (local time).
No tickets are required.
There will be a satellite broadcast of the member meeting
and cultural celebration to the following areas.
Please contact your local priesthood leaders for specific locations.
Cook Islands
Saturday, November 11, 2006 at 6:00 p.m. (local time)
BYU Hawaii Campus
Saturday, November 11, 2006 at 6:00 p.m. (local time)
JSMB – Salt Lake City
Saturday, November 11, 2006 at 9:00 p.m. (M.S.T.)
New Caledonia
Sunday, November 12, 2006 at 3:00 p.m. (local time)
Papeete Tahiti Temple Dedication
The Papeete Tahiti Temple will be dedicated on
Sunday, November 12, 2006, in two sessions.
There will be a satellite broadcast of the dedication to the following areas.
Please contact your local priesthood leaders regarding dedication recommends.
Tahiti/Cook Islands
Sunday, Nov. 12, 2006
9:00 a.m. (local time) English/French
11:30 a.m. (local time) English/Tahitian
New Caledonia
Tuesday, Nov. 14, 2006
6:00 p.m. (local time) English/French
8:30 p.m. (local time) English/Tahitian
Members wishing to attend the dedication satellite
broadcast at the Joseph Smith Memorial Building or
B.Y.U. Hawaii Campus 1st and 2nd Stake Center
should send an e-mail to
Please include the following information :
The location and time you wish to attend,
member's name, phone number, ward name, bishop's name
and bishop's home mailing address.
Temple dedication recommends will be sent directly to the member's bishop.
BYU Hawaii Campus
Sunday, Nov. 12, 2006
6:00 p.m. (local time) English/French
8:30 p.m. (local time) English/Tahitian
JSMB-Salt Lake City
Sunday, Nov. 12, 2006
5:00 p.m. (M.S.T.) English/French
7:30 p.m. (M.S.T.) English/Tahitian
Hi All,
Below the link with information on the temple dedication as many of you have emailed and called about this:,11617,1-81,00.html
This will give you information on the event in Tahiti as well as rebroadcasts. If you need anything else, let me know.
Mauruuru et a bientot.
Abish Hapairai
For those of you who served in Noumea, you may be interested in a history of the church in New Caledonia that I recently wrote. It was published as a chapter in a new book caled, "Pioneers in the Pacific" by BYU Press.
--Mark ("74-'76)
My son is in the MTC, due to go to Tahiti June 15 if his visa comes through. We have been told his bicycle (which is now in Salt Lake City) needs to go with him, but we have no idea how to ship it.
Can anyone help us?
We are also interested in perhaps purchasing a bike after he arrives in Tahiti, but have been advised against it. Can anyone give us more information about that?
Thanks for any help you can give.
Kathleen Briggs
Hi Everyone,
Many of you contacted me wanting to find cheap fares to Tahiti to attend the temple dedication planned for November 12, 2006. All of you interested as well, please email me at with the following information:
- Name of passengers
- Desired dates of travel
- Air only or Air/Lodging
I am trying to get a contract to get the prices down but need to know who is truly planning on it to make the deal worth it. The actual date of the event is yet to be confirmed and I will make sure to update you all.
Thank you.
Abish Hapairai
Mauruuru roa to those who responded and gave me the Hunter's e-mail address. It is really appreciated.
I am interested in contacting the Hunter family, by e-mail, if possible. Last I knew they lived in Pirae, Tahiti. Thanks!
Does any one know any recent news of Pitori? The last name may not be exact spelling. While I served in the 70's, he as branch president of Manahi. He would now be in his 70's.
Ia ora na outou!!! We have now been home for 2 months and haven't heard anything about a missionary reunion. It has been rumored that my wife and I are supposedly "in charge" but we have no information as to a committee or previous plans. If any of you have knowledge about what has already been planned or those who have assisted in the past, please let us know!!! We are definitely planning on attending since we have much to tell and show as well as to be able to once again see all of those who served with us and from previous "taus".
We can be contacted through e-mail at or call us at 801-375-2222.
There has never been a miss that I am aware of in over 30 years at each conference.
Does anyone know if there's a mission reunion scheduled for 9/30/05?
No one who's written in yet seems to have been aware that we had lady missionaries during MY tau--which was 1955-58 (I stayed three years in order to do translation of certain books into Tahitian). In late 1957 we received what WE thought were the first two lady missionaries in the Tahitian mission--Sister Frankie McAuliffe and Sister Joyce Cowley. I had heard that Sister Cowley may have passed away, but I'm told that Frankie McAuliffe is still living. So--unless someone can tell us that there were lady missionaries BEFORE 1957/1958, I think those two may well have been the first.
No one who's written in yet seems to have been aware that we had lady missionaries during MY tau--which was 1955-58 (I stayed three years in order to do translation of certain books into Tahitian). In late 1957 we received what WE thought were the first two lady missionaries in the Tahitian mission--Sister Frankie McAuliffe and Sister Joyce Cowley. I had heard that Sister Cowley may have passed away, but I'm told that Frankie McAuliffe is still living. So--unless someone can tell us that there were lady missionaries BEFORE 1957/1958, I think those two may well have been the first.
Not meaning to "pile on" Elder Speth, but during my tau as Faratini Orometua (1961-63), I was accompanied to Tahiti in May, 1961 by two sister missionaries, Malinda Young of Roosevelt, Utah and Jannet Hamilton of Riverton, Utah.
They were to be replacements for two sisters about to be released, Sister Marilyn Young of Lethbridge, Alberta and Sister Frosty Duerden of Downey, Calif. A local female member was called sometime later as a full-time missionary. Her name was Marie Wong of Papeete.
All this talk about sister missionaries reminds me of those that I knew there ('73-'74). I really don't have too much to add, other than they were all French in my tau, except for one or two Tahitians. But there was one that I remember very distinctly, Soeur Derguini, anybody hear of her, or what happened to her? I remember that she had been very livid about the supposed ill treatment that the Palestinians had received at the hands of the Israelis in Palestine. She was, I believe, what was referred to as a "pied noir." She clearly had some Arabic appearance. Anybody shed any light on this or her?
All this talk about sister missionaries reminds me of those that I knew there ('73-'74). I really don't have too much to add, other than they were all French in my tau, except for one or two Tahitians. But there was one that I remember very distinctly, Soeur Derguini, anybody hear of her, or what happened to her? I remember that she had been very livid about the supposed ill treatment that the Palestinians had received at the hands of the Israelis in Palestine. She was, I believe, what was referred to as a "pied noir." She clearly had some Arabic appearance. Anybody shed any light on this or her?
I was quite amazed at how many Sisters from the US had served in Tahiti before the mid 80's and the 70's. In that time period it almost seemed to be taboo. I was aware that there were many from outside the US and Canada served just not the American and Canadians. Either way I am so gratful that there are so many more serving now and that there are a number of American's returning back to the Islands. For the last many years there have been so few American missionaries and I was afraid that none of my sons would have any chance of serving there.
Thank you all for keeping me straight. If you'll read my Bio. You'll see that I am working with mental limitations, but those who worked with me say they were always there. Again, thank you all for the history lesson, I can never get enought Tahitian history.
Na tei Atua Outou Ha'amatai Noa, Mareko
Iaorana. Glen is absolutely right, Sister Paulsen's first name was Vivian. In that time period (1967-69), we also had 4 French sisters: Delin, LoNegro, and 2 others whose names escape me for the moment. Also, Sister Linda Cropper's grandfather had also served in Tahiti. And let us not forget Sister Noeline Toriki and Rorii Richmond, from Tahiti, who also served during the 67-69 period. I should go back to an old Te Ve'a and see what other sisters we had serving then. If anyone knows where any of these sisters are now, let them know about this site and encourage them to register !!!
Well, I stand throughly corrected now. I understand that there were a few sister missionaries prior to the 1980's. A few under Pres. Baudin who were frim the US, and one from England, a couple in the 60's. Again, I am glad there are more coming in now, because they will bring more blessings and talents that couldn't be found without them.
Aroha Nui, Mareko
There were three sister missionaries from the US who served in Tahiti when I was there from 1967 to 1969. These sisters were Barbara Gaisford, Linda Cropper, and Sister Paulsen (I believe her first name was Vivian).
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