Taiwan Taipei Mission Alumni
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Aaron Curtis Wixom 魏尚融 Alumni Photo

Elder Aaron Curtis Wixom 魏尚融

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Richard B. Stamps 尹因印 (1994 - 1997) | Michael G. Harris 胡念中 (1997 - 2000)
Served: 1995 - 1997
Areas Served:
SungShan (松山)
ChungLi (中壢)
LuChou (蘆洲)
MeiKui (玫瑰)
HsinTien (新店)
Matthew Bass | Dean Brown | Kevin Burtt | Barry Coles | Steven Cook Crofts | Elliott Carter Ferris | James John Schwitzer | Mike Winder
Your Occupation: MBA Student
Spouse: Amy
Amy and I got married in October of 2002 in D.C. and we are now in sunny Tucson, AZ. I am at the U of A in my second year of an MBA program. 5 years ago, I would never have guessed I would be getting an MBA, much less at Arizona. The Lord works in mysterious ways, it would seem. I'll be here for the next 6 months and then its off to Thunderbird for another 6. I would enjoy hearing from any and all of you!

Best wishes to all of you!
Created: 13 Mar 2002  Modified: 11 Mar 2005
Last Login: 11 Mar 2005 03:24:05 AM
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