Taiwan Taipei Mission Alumni
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Elder Kevin Burtt

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Richard B. Stamps 尹因印 (1994 - 1997)
Served: 1995 - 1997
Areas Served:
Chungho, Lungtan, Office, Hsintien (Meikuei)
Ian Brown | Michael K Horne | Cortney J Mcallister | Sean Naef | Christopher R. Vreeken | Aaron Curtis Wixom 魏尚融
Your Occupation: Software Engineer / "Gamemaster"
Spouse: Lien Jui-Wen (Sunny)
I do software development for Wavetronix (www.wavetronix.com) and work for an online game company as well (www.bigboxgames.com)

Sunny (also a convert--in 1999) and I married in 2002, we have two kids: Kyle and Loren, and attempt to speak only Chinese in the home to prepare them for the future. We still attend the BYU Chinese Ward in Provo.

I write about religious and secular issues from an LDS perspective at http://baronofdeseret.typepad.com and contribute regular articles to the Millennial Star (www.millennialstar.org)--a group weblog aimed at high-level discussions of LDS doctrinal and policy issues, and current events.
Created: 28 Mar 2002  Modified: 17 Oct 2006
Last Login: 17 Oct 2006 11:13:17 AM
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