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Stories: President & Sister Nielson - Plans

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President & Sister Nielson - Plans 21 Sep 2003
Jon and LeAnn Vawdrey of Sandy, Utah, have been called to succeed us. Although I haven’t seen him for 46 years, I knew Jon when we served as missionaries together in Taiwan. I think I was his Supervising Elder (Zone Leader) in the Southern Taiwan District (Zone). Jon and I communicate every few days and he and LeAnn feel like kindred spirits. The temple will be in excellent hands.

We received our release letter from the First Presidency, pending the arrival of President and Sister Vawdrey. We will leave Taiwan November 1st, or shortly after. Providing there is no serious outbreak of SARS, we will travel in China for a month or so, and then fly to Utah to visit family and friends. We hope we can spend Christmas at the cabin with Pace and Pam and their families, then drive to Ann Arbor sometime in January.

We will be spending time getting reacquainted with our grandchildren. And I plan to do some self-improvement and work on some personal projects that are important to me. Bonnie will probably quickly return to her routine, with one exception; she will have me under foot. I’ve never been retired before, so for me this will be a new experience and a difficult transition. But I am in good health, as is Bonnie, which is a blessing that we do not take for granted.

We received the “Release Temple President Report” forms, so our thoughts are going back to what we have tried to do during these three years. The more I think, the more I realize how eventful these three years have been, not only for us, but also for the temple and its operation. I am looking forward to completing the report and then including it in my personal history.

We hope this finds you well and that our paths cross in the next few months. We are talking to Mike Shumway about a reunion, hopefully in April. Let us know if you think this is a good time.


Thom & Bonnie

Vic Walker 葛志浩 Send Email
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