Mission Shield

Index By Mission President

Pres. Gardner H. Russell (Jun 70 - Jun 73)

Barker, Stephen P. (9/72-8/74) knudson, mark (9/69-9/71)
Beadles, Robert A. (10/69-10/71) LaBass, Robert J. (11/71-11/73)
Bingham, Michael T. (1/72-1/74) Lamb, Scott L. (1/71-1/73)
Black, James S. (1/71-1/73) Larsen, Robert K. (1/73-1/75)
Burnett, Michael L. (6/72-6/74) Limburg Bradbury, Marsha A. (6/70-2/72)
Butler, David E. (9/72-9/74) Long, Stephen E. (6/72-2/74)
Carlisle, Brent W. (1/73-1/75) McCown, Steve R. (9/69-9/71)
Craven, Ricardo A. (5/70-4/72) Meaders, Bill A. (6/70-7/72)
Davies, Dean M. (9/70-9/72) Miller, Kent L. (7/70-7/72)
Easton, Stewart (6/69-3/71) Morton, John R. (11/71-11/73)
Ellsworth, Scott E. (9/72-9/74) Murray, Guy W. (3/73-3/75)
Evans, Michael (4/72-4/74) Peterson, Willard (Pete) (8/68-8/70)
Frank, Keith R. (9/69-9/71) Pilkington, Steve S. (8/71-8/73)
Fuller, Ronald I. (9/69-9/71) Ringer, Alan (9/71-9/73)
Geigle, Jeffrey L. (1/72-12/73) Rogers, Denzil R. (6/72-6/74)
Gibson, Paul H. (5/73-3/75) Simmons, Carl D. (6/72-6/74)
Gossling, Jim W. (8/71-2/73) Simpson, Robert M. (6/72-7/74)
Green, David H. (4/72-4/74) Spear, Mark D. (8/71-8/73)
Greer, Brad W. (2/72-2/74) Stay, Laurence R. (6/72-6/74)
Hansen, Neil L. (1/70-12/71) Stevens, J Thad (2/71-1/73)
Hatch, Douglas M. (9/72-9/74) Swannack, Russell G. (1/72-1/74)
Heath, Gerald D. (5/69-5/71) Swapp, Edward M. (8/72-7/74)
Higginson, George J. (3/73-3/75) Wallace Jr., Elton D. (2/71-2/73)
Huish, Craig (8/70-7/72) White, Steven G. (9/71-9/73)
Hulme, Steven H. (3/73-12/74) Whitehead, George F. (8/71-8/73)
Humphreys, Steven G. (1969-1971) Widmer, Greg D. (6/72-6/74)
Jackson, Rick (4/72-4/74) Willis, Daryl H. (11/70-11/72)
Jensen, Glen J. (10/70-11/72) Wilson Clegg, Alice L. (10/71-4/73)
Kirby, Robert (4/73-4/75)

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Last Updated: 1/28/2001 9:52:28 AM