Mission Shield

Index By Mission President

Pres. Marion C. Robinson (Jul 77 - Jul 80)

Archer, Cal (4/77-4/79) Latimer, Chad S. (6/79-6/81)
Ard, Clifford W. (9/78-9/80) Leavitt, Lester J. (10/78-9/80)
Armstrong, David K. (1/76-2/78) LeBaron, Michael C. (9/79-9/81)
Berni, Blas (3/77-3/79) Lewis, Mark E. (1/76-1/78)
Birch, Ken P. (3/80-1/82) Long, Richard J. (7/75-7/77)
BORDON, Horacio Jesús (12/78-1/81) Machuca, Oscar (6/80-6/82)
Brooks, John W. (1/76-12/77) Meager, Jack K. (12/77-12/79)
Burden, Gregory D. (2/79-2/81) Medina, Oscar I. (4/78-5/80)
Casariego, Carlos (10/75-10/77) Menéndez, Gustavo A. (3/77-3/79)
Clark, David M. (3/76-12/77) Miller, Brian E. (11/77-11/79)
Clayton, Brad (9/78-8/80) Montague, Harold C. (1/79-1/81)
Correa Affonso, Derby Miguel "Correa" (5/78-5/80) Mortimer, Gary M. (10/76-10/78)
COUTTO, Hebert M. U. (7/78-7/80) Newsome, Gary D. (2/77-2/79)
Damiano, Ramon Ruben (9/75-9/77) Osorio Clark, Mirian (3/77-9/78)
Darelli, Ciro A. (3/79-3/81) Palmer, Richard R. (9/78-9/80)
Diaz, Enrique Arturo (2/76-1/78) Patrone, Roberto F. (5/77-6/79)
Dowda, Dean M. (9/78-9/80) Peel, Stephen L. (4/78-4/80)
Dunn, Sam (9/77-10/79) Peláez, Ana Luz U. (77/06-78/12)
Dyson, Craig R. (11/75-10/77) Romero, Nelson R. (1/79-1/81)
Erickson, Neil R. (3/77-3/79) Saito Tateoka, Nadine (9/76-3/78)
Fackler, John N. (12/79-12/81) Sander, Raúl (3/79-3/81)
Fernandez, Julio C. (8/75-8/77) Santos, David O. (1/79-1/81)
Goodwin, Bryce W. (6/78-6/80) Schiffler, Roland (3/77-3/79)
Gorospe, Carlos (3/77-3/79) SILVEYRA, Mario Daniel (3/80-3/82)
Gustavo, Menéndez A. (3/77-3/79) Smith Nobles, Sandra (9/78-5/80)
Guzman, Shawn M. (2/80-2/82) Sorensen, Mark W. (8/75-8/77)
Harline, David B. (7/79-7/81) Tenney, Scott D. (10/76-10/78)
Harris, Douglas K. (9/79-9/81) Thompson, David G. (1/76-11/77)
HARRIS, LAURIE A. (6/79-12/80) Thompson, Roger D. (12/76-12/78)
Hill, Mitch (1976-1977) Turner, Douglas B. (6/76-6/78)
Holden, Randall D. (2/80-2/82) Vineyard (Vina) Tyra, Susan D. (1/78-7/79)
Horton, Carl (4/78-4/80) Watkins, Peter T. (8/79-8/81)
Hosler, Bruce R. (7/79-7/81) WEBSTER, SHANE (1/77-1/79)
Houston, Greg (8/78-8/80) Whitaker, Jeffery L. (10/76-11/78)
Hughes, Craig A. (7/78-7/80) Wiltbank, Milo C. (9/75-9/77)
Hulka, Gregory P. (5/77-5/79) Woodford, Michael R. (10/79-10/81)
Jarvis, Brian L. (2/80-2/82) Wortley, William A. (8/77-8/79)
Johnson, Brad W. (2/79-2/81) WRIGHT, STEVEN R. "Wright" (10/78-10/80)

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Last Updated: 1/28/2001 9:52:28 AM