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Elder Sam L Nettles Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Dennis E. Simmons (1986 - 1989) | William Robert Wright (1989 - 1992) | Served: 1988 - 1990 | Areas Served: Gaithersburg, Severna Park, Suitland,essex, Columbia, Office (car czar) | Companions: Kent B. Brown | Brent Parks | Your Occupation: Planner/Cad Designer | Spouse: Lizabeth | Comments: Hello All,
It has been a long time.........well, I live and work here in the southwest part of Houston Texas with my beautiful wife Lizabeth. we have three great children! Jordan, who is now twelve and recently ordained a deacon, is home schooled. Tristin is seven and is in first grade looking forward to his Baptism in December. Kaylee will be two in October. She is our little angel, but we are counting the weeks until she can go to nursery.
I would love to hear from anyone.
ps. it is time to get those mileage reports in, and you need to get that car washed. |
Created: 30 Mar 2003 Modified: 30 Mar 2003 |
Last Login: 06 Jul 2004 06:58:29 AM |
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