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 | Elder Cory Butler Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: L. Dale Hanks (1981 - 1984) | R. LaMar Bradshaw (1984 - 1987) | Served: 1983 - 1984 | Language(s) spoken:Some Cambodian | Areas Served: Marysville, Federal Way, Bellingham, Lakeview, Tacoma (Asian) | Companions: John C. Bazzelle | Alexander Davila | Gary Foster L | Michael Smith | Jim Stock | Your Occupation: Commercial Real Estate | Spouse: LeAnn | Comments: (2) Kids - Kenneth & McKensie
Have worked in all the youth leadership and scoutmaster positions; Have served in a number of Elder Quorum Presidencies; Have served as the WML and in the High Council; Currently serving as 1st Counselor in the Bishopric.
Our son returned safely and honorably from his mission in Santiago Chile. He grew spiritually and in maturity to become a strong MAN of God. What a great opportunity for these young men to have.
Kenneth and I had the wonderful opportunity to travel back to his mission and spent 10 days visiting the beautiful people he taught and loved. When it was time to leave, it was with tears in my eyes as I felt connected to these families with their unconditional love for the Gospel and my family. I am now an adopted member of three Chilean Wards and their families. God Bless them all.
My testimony of the Gospel continues to grow through these types of good experiences as well as my trials and challenges from the adversary. This helps and strengthens me to keep on the path and just try to be better every day.
Thank you all who I met and loved in the great Seattle Washington mission. You helped me form who I was to become through what I learned as a missionary.
God Bless each of you. |
Created: 09 Oct 2006 Modified: 28 Nov 2009 |
Last Login: 28 Nov 2009 07:23:49 AM |
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"You are a great army of returned missionaries. Go forward with new zeal and determination, and through your example shine the light of the gospel in this troubled world. This is the Lord's work in which we are engaged. God lives. Jesus is the Christ. We belong to His Church. This is my witness to you in the name of Jesus Christ, amen."