Stories: Washington Seattle Mission
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Washington Seattle Mission
When you sent in your papers I’m sure you were wishin,
That the Lord would send you somewhere fun, in addition.
Much prayer, inspiration, and our Faithful Leaders petition,
You were chosen to serve in the Washington Seattle Mission.
Remember the Lord sends his best, to the great Northwest,
By praying and seeking for guidance, he will help you do your best.
Sending you to this great mission to teach, I’m sure feels like a test,
If you learn to teach by the spirit, the Holy Ghost will help with the rest.
As the Pondering Man ponders, on what he should write,
About our Mission President and his wonderful wife, adding their insight.
Giving sacrifice, obedience, and service, with all their might,
Leading by example, wisdom, sharing much truth and light.
President & Sister Hinckley are ready, willing, and able to give their all,
To help you wonderful missionaries, to teach about the fall.
Sharing the Plan of Salvation, and the Prophet Samuel on the wall,
Explaining the true meaning of the atonement, to everyone large or small.
Remembering who you are, and will help as you teach,
Sharing the restored gospel, our Savior would have you preach.
Find those ready to hear the gospel, that only you can reach,
Bringing those souls unto Christ, sharing your Testimony with each.
As you complete your mission, knowing you have gone the extra mile,
Having a strong desire to teach by the spirit, has always been your style.
Remember that you have kept your head, up facing each personal trial,
With a burning feeling in your heart, that your efforts have been worthwhile.
Tom Baker 10/2/ 2003 |
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"You are a great army of returned missionaries. Go forward with new zeal and determination, and through your example shine the light of the gospel in this troubled world. This is the Lord's work in which we are engaged. God lives. Jesus is the Christ. We belong to His Church. This is my witness to you in the name of Jesus Christ, amen."