Stories: Calling From Above
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Calling from Above
Missionaries are called to “Preach My Gospel”.
By Inspiration, from our Heavenly Father above.
Asking those special lost sheep they have found,
To feel the spirit, and share the Savior’s love.
Humble servants willing to give hours of their life.
Kneeling, offering a sincere prayer, planning each day.
Teaching of the restoration, the foundation of faith.
Asking for special help and guidance along the way.
The Gospel of Jesus Christ can touch and change lives.
In pre-earth life, God has a purpose and a plan you see.
This plan of salvation applies to every dispensation.
Bearing testimony of our dear Savior’s earthly ministry.
Telling of the great apostasy, a vital part of history.
Sharing the importance of restoring the gospel to the earth.
Using the gift of the Holy Ghost to tell the first vision.
Two heavenly beings appeared to a young man, of great worth.
God the Father and His Son, told young Joseph what to do.
His humble prayer was answered, he listened and obeyed.
Brought forth the Book of Mormon, an ancient record to read.
Confirmation of truth is received, after one has truly prayed.
Caring missionaries help investigators, seek for the spirit as they read.
Young servants of God, giving of themselves, each and every day.
Disciples of Christ, guided by a loving mission president and his wife.
Promised blessings await those, who willing put their own cares away.
Dedicated to President & Sister Pinegar
Washington Seattle Mission
Tom Baker 2/16/ 2005 |
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"You are a great army of returned missionaries. Go forward with new zeal and determination, and through your example shine the light of the gospel in this troubled world. This is the Lord's work in which we are engaged. God lives. Jesus is the Christ. We belong to His Church. This is my witness to you in the name of Jesus Christ, amen."