Northwestern States
George C. Parkinson
Lewis S. Pond (Assistant to President Parkinson)
Frank H. Bramwell
Nephi Pratt
Melvin J. Ballard (Apostle)
Heber C. Iversen
Brigham S. Young
William R. Sloan
Joseph Quinney, Jr.
Preston Nibley
Nicholas G. Smith (Apostle)
Desla S. Bennion
Samuel Enoch Bringhurst
Joel Richards
James A. McMurrin
Douglas Harmmon Driggs
Franklin D. Richards (member of 1st Quorum of 70's)
Don C. Wood
Ivan J. Barrett
Robert LeGrand Backman (President of 70's Quorum)
Pacific Northwest Mission
Joe E. Whitesides
Washington Mission
Raymond Price
Washington Seattle Mission
S. Thomas Stapley, Jr.
Norwood C. McKoy
Alva C. Snow
L. Dale Hanks
R. LaMar Bradshaw
Clinton C. Cutter (member of 2nd Quorum of 70's)
Washington Tacoma Mission
Sidney R. Henderson
R. Paul Thompson
T. Bowring Woodbury
Ronald A. Stone
John W. Allen
Kevin W. Pearson
H. Kent Bowen
Doug Weaver
This mission had been blessed with great leaders over ten years of its existence.
President Sidney R. Henderson and Sister Joyce Henderson came to the Northwest to begin their service on July 1, 1990, when he was set apart as the mission's first president. Under President Henderson's leadership, the mission was quickly organized, with stake and ward leaders, full-time missionaries, and the mission presidency joining hands to set the direction for the new mission. One of the highlights of President Henderson's service came in March of 1991, when he pronounced a blessing upon the mission, after which the windows of heaven were opened and great blessings were poured out upon the mission.
During the first year of their mission, President and Sister Henderson placed a great deal of the emphasis on fully implementing the full-time missionary home teaching program, calling more stake missionaries, improving the relationship between missionaries and members, and motivating members to provide more referrals. Special meetings were arranged with the 13 Stake Presidents and Stake Mission Presidencies, in an effort to facilitate the coordination and support in home teaching by full-time missionaries. In addition, they sought to increase tracting time among full-time missionaries.
From Jul 1, 1993 to July 1, 1996 President R. Paul and Sister Geniel Thompson took the helm of the Washington Tacoma Mission. President Thompson organized the mission into proselyting zones. President Thompson traveled about the mission during the last two years of their service and held Mission President firesides in members' homes, focusing on investigators and recent converts to the Church. Sister Thompson spoke on the Book of Mormon as well as Christ's visit to the American continent following his death and glorious resurrection. President Thompson focused on the mission and majesty of the Messiah, and on the topics covered in the first missionary discussions. During the time in which President and Sister Thompson presided over the mission, the missionary forced averaged approximately 175 elders and sisters, and about 3,000 coverts were baptized into the Church. President and Sister Thompson currently serve as the President and Matron of the Seattle Temple.
The third couple to lead the Washington Tacoma Mission was President T. Bowring Woodbury II and Sister Kathleen Woodbury who served from July 1, 1996 to July 1, 1999. They expressed their great joy at seeing the missionaries catch the Spirit and really become their own "first convert." When reflecting on his mission, President Woodbury spoke of the special relationships that he formed with Stake Presidents and with all of the local leaders in the mission. He said that the visit of a General Authority was always a rejuvenating experience for the mission.
In Port Angeles, President Woodbury spoke at Stake Conference, which was presided over by Elder Jeffrey R. Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. Look back, President Woodbury said, "This was a very special conference. Elder Holland left an apostolic blessing upon the stake, each individual, and specifically upon the Temple Presidency and their families and upon President and Sister Woodbury and their family. That blessing seemed to be a turning point in our mission, and we were most grateful for that priesthood blessing."
President and Sister Woodbury expressed their gratitude to God upon receiving their call; as soon as President Monson told them where they were going they knew that "It was the perfect place for us." During 1996, the mission set a record by baptizing more than 1,000 new converts and this pace has subsequently been maintained. President and Sister Woodbury currently live in Saint George, Utah, where he serves as Executive Director of Institutional Advancement at Dixie State College. Both President and Sister Woodbury serve as temple workers in the St. George Temple.
President Ronald A. Stone and Sister Robyn Stone arrived in the Washington Tacoma Mission on July of 1999, when he began his service as the fourth president of the mission. Speaking to the future of the mission, President Stone said, "We look back over the past ten years and see the fruits of the sacrifice, effort, and faith of missionaries, couples, members and magnificent Mission Presidents and their wives. We also, see the wonderful converts, many of whom have now gone to the temple and claimed their blessings. It has been a glorious decade. We now look tot he new millennium. We see new missionaries, new members, new couples - all with a vision of this moment that the history of the world requires. May our faith in the Lord be sufficient for the monumental work ahead."