News Item: Malawi - first meetinghouse
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Saturday, August 20, 2005
LDS Church News
BLANTYRE, Malawi - The first meetinghouse in this African country of 12 million people was dedicated July 3. The building is in Mandala Township on a hill overlooking the most desirable part of the city of Blantyre. It was designed and built as a stake center to handle future growth as missionary work progresses in the community.
"What a beautiful and well-structured building it turned out to be,"
wrote Elder Larry Richins and Sister Sammie Richins, who just completed their mission in the Zimbabwe Harare Mission, which includes Malawi.
The Church is new in Malawi. Introduced into the country in 2000, the Church now has more than 400 members in two branches. The six full-time missionaries and couple now serving in Malawi are concentrating on teaching families to form a foundation for future growth. The new meetinghouse was well received by people in the community as they attended the open house.
The next day the building was dedicated by President Joseph Jenkins of the Zimbabwe Harare Mission.
Malawi, which is often called the "warm heart of Africa," is a landlocked country located in southeastern Africa. It is bordered on the north and east by Tanzania, on the east, south and southwest by Mozambique and to the west by Zambia.
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