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Elder Don L. Wilke Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Jack H. Goaslind (1975 - 1978) | Served: 1976 - 1978 | Areas Served: Douglas, Wilcox, Tucson, Mesa, Phoenix, Scottsdale | Companions: David L. Bytheway | Craig L Jones | LeEric Scott Marvin | Robert Randy Montgomery | Bruce Neal Westergren | Your Occupation: Principal Scientist, Procter & Gamble | Spouse: LaDeana (Carn) Wilke | Comments: I am married to LaDeana Carn, a former Arizona, Holbrook Navaho-speaking missionary. We have four kids. Nathan (30), our oldest, is in Taiwan teaching English after graduating from BYU in 2010 and serving a mission in Washington DC. Cami (28) is recently married to Rdney Beacham, after serving a mission in the Dominican Republic, and is expecting our second grandchild. Mark (25), is trying to get started back in college while "finding himself", and Valerie (21) is a sweet and loving young lady and a junior at BYUI. They are a great joy to us. We live near Cincinnati, OH, where I work as a toxicologist for the Procter & Gamble Company. After a stint as a seminary teacher, I'm back in the bishopric - again. I finally achieved a lifelong dream of getting my pilot's license. Now I just need an airplane! |
Created: 31 Dec 1999 Modified: 06 Apr 2011 |
Last Login: 05 Jun 2011 08:25:15 PM |
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