Australia Brisbane Mission Alumni
Displaying 1 - 30 of 88
Name Title Served President Updated
Cagle, Robie Lee Elder 1979-1981 Hubbard | Flake 2003-10-01
Caldwell, Dave Elder 1979-1981 Hubbard | Flake 2009-11-05
Call, Devon Elder 1993-1995 Liddicoat 2008-11-02
Call, Gayleen Ward (Ward) Sister 2000-2002 Ockey | Fox Jr. 2006-01-23
Campbell, Darnell Kuuleinani (Sa) Sister 1996-1998 West 2001-08-15
Campbell, Matthew Elder 1999-2001 Ockey 2004-07-25
Candland, John T. Elder 1994-1996 Liddicoat | Belliston 2007-12-24
Capareda, Kay Leah (Bailey) Sister 1976-1977 Wall | Hubbard 2006-03-29
Capell, John E Elder 1981-1982 Flake 2007-03-06
Carpenter, Eli Elder 1993-1995 Liddicoat | Belliston 2003-01-08
Carroll, Brendon John Elder 2003-2005 Fox Jr. | Phillips 2005-11-04
Carroll, Kristan John Elder 1992-1994 Liddicoat 2007-12-13
Carson, Jeremy Owen Elder 2001-2004 Fox Jr. | Phillips 2005-12-01
(Carter) Holdaway, Calyn Sister 1995-1996 Belliston 2008-11-12
Carter, Kent Raymond Elder 1992-1994 Liddicoat 2002-02-14
Cartier, Richard Steven Elder 1994-1996 Liddicoat | Belliston 2010-09-17
Caswell, Clay H. Elder 1993-1995 Liddicoat | Belliston 2005-04-02
Caswell, Stefanie Annette (Stevens) Sister 2003-2004 Liddicoat 2011-05-02
Chamberlain, Cary L Elder 1981-1982 Flake 2008-10-14
Chandler, James J Elder 1972-1974 Bird 2009-03-03
Chapman, Benjamin George Elder 1985-1987 Ballard | West 2006-08-15
Chapman, Benjamin John Elder 1996-1998 Belliston | Ockey 2006-12-20
Chapman, Kenneth Lynn Elder 1985-1987 Ballard | West 2003-10-15
Chapman, Paul Elder 1989-1991 West | Harvey 2006-05-28
Chapple, Brad Elder 2000-2002 Ockey | Fox Jr. 2006-03-12
Chase, Nico Elder 1999-2001 Ockey | Fox Jr. 2007-10-18
Chase, William Arthur (Art) Elder 1978-1980 Hubbard | Flake 2009-10-04
Chessell, Glenn Elder 1989-1991 West | Harvey 2002-02-22
(Chick) Chick-Burton, Elizabeth Anne Sister 1992-1993 Harvey | Liddicoat 2005-06-08
Chick-Burton, Elizabeth Anne (Chick) Sister 1992-1993 Harvey | Liddicoat 2005-06-08

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