Australia Brisbane Mission Alumni
Displaying 1 - 27 of 27
Name Title Served President Updated
Kaa, Napua LeiAloha (Horomona) Sister 1997-1998 Belliston | Ockey 2009-04-24
Kanahele, Malcolm Kalani Elder 1981-1983 Flake 2005-03-05
Kapoor, Haami Elder 1994-1996 Liddicoat | Belliston 2004-07-30
Kartchner, Randel (Randy) Elder 1978-1980 Hubbard | Flake 2011-02-02
Kasteler, Bryan Elder 1978-1980 Hubbard | Flake 2005-12-12
Kaufusi, Misieli Katoa Elder 1996-1998 Belliston 2005-05-03
Kauihou, Shaun Kiakahi Elder 2005-2007 Phillips 2006-04-21
Kelly, Craig Elder 1993-1995 Liddicoat 2005-02-15
Kemp, Richard Trever Elder 1996-1998 Belliston 2011-04-04
Kenney, Trevor C Elder 1982-1983 Flake | Ballard 2013-05-14
Keteravu, Vika Waqauruca Sister 2004-2006 Phillips 2006-12-11
King, Kerry Elder 1974-1976 Wall 2005-03-02
King, Samuel Peter Elder 2000-2002 Ockey | Fox Jr. 2007-06-04
King, Soledad Veronica (Yanez) Sister 1998-2000 Ockey 2004-07-10
Kingsbury, Jared Hill Elder 1997-1999 Belliston | Ockey 2012-01-10
(Kingston) Murray, Terri Lee Sister - 2001-04-14
Kirby, Lujean Sister 2003-2004 Fox Jr. | Phillips 2007-08-11
Kirby, Neil J Elder 1999-2001 Ockey | Fox Jr. 2006-06-04
Kirifi, Siaki Tuioalele Elder 1992-1994 Harvey | Liddicoat 2002-04-07
Kitsell, Adrian Charles Elder 1985-1987 Ballard | West 2001-09-27
Kjar, Kimball Marcum Elder 1997-1999 Belliston | Ockey 2006-01-23
Klepiak / Broyles, Judith M Sister 1983-1985 Ballard 2009-06-19
Klinger, Keith B Elder 1993-1995 Liddicoat 2012-04-26
Kneale, Warwick James Elder 1997-1999 Belliston | Ockey 2008-05-10
Koch, Curtis Elder 1996-1998 Belliston 2001-09-17
Krey, Adam W. Elder 1993-1995 Liddicoat | Belliston 2001-11-27
Kuhn, Kendall H Elder 1980-1982 Hubbard | Flake 2004-08-19

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