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Reunion Thomas Brown group in France 24 May 2008
I surely would like to join in such a reunion. Of course, you might reply, you've got the least to travel. But I tried twice in vain to get to a reunion around general conference in the SLC area. So if you want me to support such a project, send me an e-mail to

Love to all of you

Berndt Schoenwald
Unterfeld 23
D-83561 Ramerberg
Berndt H. Schoenwald Send Email
Harrison/Hamilton Missionary List 19 May 2008
From time to time, I update the mission email distribution list as email seems to be one of the best ways to stay in touch. The attached list is a compilation from our last Hamilton Renuion (Fall ’07) and combined with our list from Harrison Reunion (Fall ’06 & Fall ’07). There are also a few names of people who were not at the reunions, but who have since given me their email addresses.
If you know of others or updates, please let me know.
If you'd like to be added to the distribution of this list, please let me know.
Elder Redd (2002-2004)
Byron Phillip Redd Send Email
Thomas Brown group: reunion in France? 22 Apr 2008
My wife and I are planning a trip to Paris at Christmas time. I was planning to take a side trip up to Lille to try to find the Degrave family. I was impressed by the account of the mission reunion in Ireland (See News section.) Wouldn't it be neat if we could do the same thing after all these years? If you are interested, send me an email.
Bruce Albert Embry Send Email
Soeur Annette Schilling of Luxembourg 03 Apr 2008
Anyone who served in Luxembourg from the mid-80s on probably knows Soeur Annette Schilling (Turpel) who has served as a "missionary mom" to so many.

Although her health was fine when I spoke with her a few months ago, that will not always be the case and I thought that I should seize the day while she can appreciate it to ask a simple request.

If you served there and she served you in the process and touched your life, please take a few moments to send her a simple note expressing your gratitude.

I am sure that she would appreciate it and expressing gratitude does all of us good as well.

You can mail her at:

27 rue des Etats-Unis
1477 Luxembourg


Brett Jarvis Send Email
Belgium, Brussels Walker 20th Reunion 16 Oct 2007
Belgium, Brussels Walker 20th Mission Reunion.

President and Sister Walker invite all of their missionaries to join them for a great evening together to re-connect with them and other missionaries.

This is intended to be a rather special event held at The Grand America in SLC. The Walkers will speak to us. Great food will be provided. There will be a "then and now" slide show. A "year book" of sorts will be handed out. We'll be displaying mission momentos, etc. We really would like everyone to come and to participate to the extent possible.

Please plan to join us in SLC April 4, 2008 from 7-10pm at The Grand America.

One of most challenging things will be reaching as many alums as possible to extend this invitation. If you read this message, please encourage Walker/Brussels missionaries to update their contact information on this website and/or set up an account so we can more easily inform you as the reunion details become even more defined.

Carina Barlow is leading the organizing team. If you have any questions or would like to help, please contact her at:

I am going to be collecting contact information and sending updates via snail mail and email. Please forward contact information for yourself and anyone else you can find from the mission to me at:

We're going to be posting messages and sending updates occasionally because (among other reasons) 1) we realy want each of you to be able to plan in advance for this, 2) we all need reminders, 3) we hope that you will take this seriously :-) and that you'll start tracking down your old mission friends to make sure they know about it.

Tad Smallcomb, Stephen Holding, Lisa Bowen, Steve Whitehouse, Curt Doucette, Brett Jarvis, John Turaville, John Durrant, and the Walkers are already helping organize this event and we appreciate their efforts greatly!

Again, please feel free to call Carina at 801.427.0459 if you have any questions, would like to help or just want to have a chat with her :-)

We're looking forward to seeing you in person, soon.

Best Regards,

Mike Moore
Michael D. Moore Send Email
dunkerque 14 Oct 2007
Im looking for information for a member I baptised in Dunkerque in 1982. His name is Isadore Luweyey, Also for A couple named Annie and Herve. Thanks
charles clark petersen Send Email
Harrison Reunion - Map 28 Sep 2007
Hello All,

The reunion announcment for the Harrison reunion at the SLC Marriott downtown is showing the incorrect map (but the address is correct). The reunion will be held at the same Marriott Hotel as we have for the past several years.
75 S West Temple
Salt Lake City, UT 84101

Long link...just put the address in
Byron Phillip Redd Send Email
President Walker Reunion in April 2008 09 Sep 2007
President and Sister Walker mentioned to me that they would like to have a reunion around April General Conference in 2008. They will have been home for 20 years so they are referring to this at the 20 year reunion. President Walker is an Area Authority in the Northwest Area and lives in Tacoma, Washington. I live in Corvallis, Oregon and was fortunate to see them when they were in our community for a Stake Conference this week-end.

I suggest that we make an effort to reach our old companions and mission buddies to encourage them to create a profile on this website. This will help us reach everyone as the reunion details start to take shape. If you are interested in helping the Walkers plan/organize the mission reunion please email me and them at the following email addresses: (President Perrin Walker) (Mike Moore)

Thanks for taking a moment to read this message. I hope you are all doing well and hope to see you in the near future at the Walker 20th Mission Reunion.

Best Regards,

Mike Moore
Michael D. Moore Send Email
Fr. Secretin of Seraing dies 10 Jul 2007
Listed in Deseret Morning News Obituaries July 10, 2007

Go to

Alexandre "Alex" Secretin
Alexandre "Alex" Secretin Papa Alex was born August 24, 1918 in Jemeppe-sur-Meuse, Liege, Belgium to Philippe and Jeanne Secretin. He passed away July 7, 2007 in Salt Lake City after a long and faithful life of service to his Savior, family and fellow men. Alex was a champion bicycle racer in his youth. At the death of his father when Alex was 16, he began working to help provide for the family. He married Simone Renard, his sweetheart of 70 years. During World War II, Alex escaped from a German labor camp in southern France and returned to Belgium and family by bicycle. He later joined the Belgian Free Forces based in England. Alex, his wife and daughter immigrated to the United States in 1949. The Family was sealed in the Salt Lake Temple prior to returning to Belgium in 1951. Alex was a convert and faithful member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He was a great leader/organizer and served as Seraing Branch and Liege District President, Mission-wide Elders Quorum president and counselor to three mission presidents of the France Belgium Mission. The church hired Alex to organize and manage the first French Language Printing/Distribution Center in Europe. In 1978, Alex and Simone immigrated to Utah a second time to be near their daughter and grandchildren. He worked for Magic Mill and Dan's Foods until his early 80s where he made many friends. Alex is survived by wife Simone, daughter Anita (Sidney) Sager, grandchildren Eric (Patricia) Sager, Karinne (David) Westenskow and Steven Sager; great-grandchildren Melissa, Ashley, Priscillia, Sarah, Sabrina, Isabelle, Alexandra, Michael and Samantha Sager, Brandon, Karianne, Spencer and Jessica Westenskow in Utah; a sister Bertha Michel, sister-in-law Malou Secretin and nieces/nephews in Belgium. Alex loved them all. Nous t'aimons beaucoup Papa! Funeral services Thursday, July 12 at 11:00 a.m., Holladay 4th Ward, 4917 S. Viewmont Street, (approx. 2200 East). A viewing will preceded this service from 9:45 to 10:45 a.m.. Interment at the Wasatch Lawn Cemetery on Highland Drive.
Chris Miasnik Send Email
Elder Steven Nay 05 Jul 2007
I am tickled absolutely pink to know that Steven Nay is going to serve in the BB/NM!!! Steven is one of the brightest, most delightful young men I know. He is loved and admired by everyone at Spanish Fork High School (where he went to school and where I teach French). It will be 27 years this July 24 since my release date from the Belgium Brussels Mission. I am so happy for you Steven! You will have a great experience. Be BOLD!!! Speaking of Spanish Fork, has anyone been in touch with Irene Baadsgaard?
Anne L Crane Send Email
President Hatch/DVD 01 Jul 2007
As many of you may know, President Hatch passed away June 21st, 2007. His funeral is tomorrow, July 2 in Provo.

I have a copy of the mission reunion video from last October (with President Hatch) as well as a copy of my slideshow from 1980-1982. If any of you would like a copy of these, please email me at

Andrew Martin Heiner Send Email
Vieux message envoyé 17 May 2007
Le message que vous venez de recevoir est un vieux message :

Concours de DESSINS pour enfants - Rédiger 13 Sep 2004
"Le Berger Goël" organise un concours de dessins pour les enfants de la primaire, les jeunes filles (abeilles) et jeunes gens (diacres).

Veuillez ne pas en tenir compte.
Daniel DENIS Send Email
Mail envoyé ce jour 17 May 2007
Le message que vous venez de recevoir est un vieux message!!!
Hommage - Rédiger 14 Jun 2003
Réunion à Nivelles le 15 juin 2003 en l'honneur du Président Harrison.

Ne pas tenir compte du message/e-mail SVP. Merci
Daniel DENIS Send Email
Contact Info 19 Apr 2007
I'm going back to europe in may and am trying to find contact information for Hafida. She attends the ward in St. Niklaas, Belgium. If anyone has an email address please let me know.
Ryan Kevin Tingey Send Email
contact info for Olivier Fourtineau 27 Feb 2007
Pres. Eccles said that we should try to visit our missions at least every ten years. Well it's been ten years and I'm finally going back in may 07. I am looking for contact info for Olivier Fourtineau. 10 years ago he lived just outside paris in a city Orilley la Ville or something close to that. If anybody has any info please e-mail me.

Christian Phillips Send Email
contact info for Olivier Fourtineau 27 Feb 2007
Pres. Eccles said that we should try to visit our missions at least every ten years. Well it's been ten years and I'm finally going back in may 07. I am looking for contact info for Olivier Fourtineau. 10 years ago he lived just outside paris in a city Orilley la Ville or something close to that. If anybody has any info please e-mail me.

Christian Phillips Send Email
Hatch 80-83 reunion attendee list 27 Sep 2006
Coming to reunion:
If you are not coming, please email me. If you are bringing a spouse and I don't know about it, please email me. If you know somebody else is coming, please email me their name.
Again, bring folding chairs and trays if you live locally. we will have long tables out back with the food on. If you would like to help prepare food, be here at 2pm, otherwise mingle at 3pm, dinner at 5pm, short program after that.Park in cul-de-sac to east of us, come around path on right side of house, casual dress etc.


Drew Heiner + wife
Ed Kumferman + wife
Derek Palmer + Royer twins from Metz
President Hatch + daughter ?
Paul Clark + Kristi
Dan Baker + Jennifer
Lynn LeBaron
Dan Durney + wife
Jeff Abel
Roger Anderson
Steve Neal
Lyle Zufelt
Grant Kelley + wife
Chris Udall + guest
Don Jaffray + 2 guests
John Wiggins + Sharon + 2 guests
Jim Feltis
Drew Dayton
Sidona Wagstaff + Brad
Richard Hudson
Troy Riet
Kurt Johnson
Doug Oliver
Greg Bohnstedt
Jim Bendtschneider
Steve McEntire
LaMont Hesselgesser + Maria
TeriLee Stucki Herbon + husband
Brian Tuft + Pam
Jonathan Crampton Send Email
mission reunions 20 Sep 2006
If you need a place to crash and are coming for the reunion or conference please get a hold of me. I have a couple spare rooms that people can stay in GRATUIT. My house is in provo so we could carpool up to the reunion or whatev. Get in touch see ya
Lance Teeples Send Email
Pres Hamilton reunion 2003-2006 19 Sep 2006
Dear Elders and Sisters,

We are pleased to announce the first ever missionary reunion hosted by President and Sister Hamilton for the missionaries of the Belgium Brussels Netherlands Mission. The reunion will take place on Friday, September 29, 2006 from 7 to 9 pm at the Parkview Ward chapel in the Sandy Utah Granite South Stake. The meetinghouse is located at 9855 S 2300 E, Sandy, UTAH 84092. If you need help with directions, I suggest

Please come and enjoy an evening of friendship and reunion with your friends and companions from our mission. Please feel free to bring any friends or spouses, we would love to meet them as well. Pass this email along to any and all who might be interested. We will also post it on the various websites and in the Deseret News.

We look forward to seeing you on the 29th. We hope you can make it. For our beloved companions and associates on the other side of the Atlantic, we certainly understand and will be thinking of you in our hearts.

God bless.


President and Sister Hamilton

(818) 857-7298 mobile for Pres. Hamilton email for Pres. Hamilton email for Sis. Hamilton
Jelaire Christine Richardson Send Email
Some more namesof our 1980-82 group 19 Sep 2006
If you know where any of the following are, please invite to the reunion:
James R. Wood
Jeffrey Lee Vincent
Keith Delles Cooley
Jonathan Visick
Sr. Wanda Divine
Frank Stevenson
John Knickerbocker
Mark Burkholder
John Udean Sherwood
Aaron Engen
Brent Reid
Edwin Kumferman
Shad Barnes
Sr. Laurel Breneman
Charles Clark Peterson
Don Alan Forbush
Robert Landreth
Bruce D. Jensen
Sr. Michele Diane Lerwill
Benjamin Patterson
Sr. Kathleen Marie Frizzell
Sr. Lori Jo Mark
Michael Boren
Daniel Cloud
Sr. Mariane John
Sr. Jan Rowley
Sr. Vicki Kendall
Trent Badger
Tod M. Turley
Phil McBride
Pascal Budge
Michael Mccarron
Troy Hook
Sr. Pamela Rae Park
Stewart B. Williams
Walter Knudsen
Eric Young
Tony Ripley
Sr. Lauralyn Lorris
Jonathan Crampton Send Email
Know where these alumni are?? 19 Sep 2006
Here are some 1980-82 Alumni that we need to try and contact re: the reunion next week. if you know where they are please contact them about the reunion:
Sr. Tracy Snoyer
James R. Wood
Jonathan Crampton Send Email
President Hatch will be at the reunion ! 17 Sep 2006
President Hatch has confirmed that he WILL be at the Mission reunion. We have not had a reunion for many many years and we invite you to attend as President Hatch would really love to see you all after over 20 years of our being home.
Others coming now include Grant Kelley plus wife and David Sandberg plus wife. Elders Fanning and Teets I have spoken with this week and they send their best wishes but are unable to attend. Please continue to contact those not on this website as we have less than two weeks to go.
Jonathan Crampton Send Email
Hatch reunion 10 Sep 2006
We have decided to start the reunion at 3pm on September 29th Friday for all Hatch 1980-1983 missionaries, If you can be here between then and 5pm that will be when we start the barbeque. We will buy all of the food and ask for $5 per head for those coming. There will be a good spread of hors d'oevres, barbeque chicken breasts, baked beans, rolls, salad, chips, drinks, deserts etc. President Hatch may be coming, if not then we will arrange a telephone call and have him on speakerphone during the evening. Please bring a photo of you from the mission field days that is wallet size or 4X6 or less. Please email me if you would like to do a specific activity during the reunion, so that we can plan accordingly.
Jonathan Crampton Send Email
bbq off 31 Aug 2006
well first of all the date wasnt supposed to be the 26th second im not gonna be able to do it this saturday either but i want to put something together i'll keep you all posted sorry
Lance Teeples Send Email
bbq next saturday 24 Aug 2006
yo wuddup to all my dizzles who served wit me and for you chump suckas that didn't ask those who did, you missed out. on that note saturday the 26th i would like to have a bbq/reunion at my house. If your in the area of provo/orem salt lake whatever come let me know i want to try to arrange it if no one can make it i just wont do it but i would be fun if we could. my address is 1775 w. 470 s. provo just off the provo center street west bound exit. call me at 801-735-1830 or email me at to confirm your presence. thanks
Lance Teeples Send Email
Luxembourg people 15 Aug 2006
Anyone know Soeur Annette Schilling from Luxembourg? Luxembourg was in our mission boundaries until recently. She was a sweet member lady that I'd love to talk to. Any contact info would be appreciated. Also Alain & Laurence, African member couple in Lux.

I'd also like to know if anyone knows Matthew & Carmelina Mputu (members) from Charleroi.
Joy Rasmussen Send Email
Cheri Tobey 05 Aug 2006
Does anyone have any contact details for Cheri Tobey? Last time I heard from her she was going to school in Alberta, but that was two and a half years ago. Please let me know if you have any current (ish) contact info for her! Thanks a million!
Joanna L Willmott Send Email
Soeur Casperson 01 Aug 2006
Does anyone know how I can get ahold of Sarah Casperson? We served together in Nancy, France 2002.
Laura Watt Send Email
Elder Stuart Weed 30 Jul 2006
As August comes around again, I'm thinking of my dear, very quiet, but funny cousin Stuart Weed who passed away last August after a fierce 10-yr battle with cancer. He was one of the "good people" in this world. He was called to serve in the BBM one year after I returned home. His son Sterling is serving in the Michigan Lansing Mission. He was in the MTC at the time of his father's passing, came home for the funeral, gave a wonderful tribute to his father at the funeral, then returned to his missionary service.
Anne L Crane Send Email
Hi there, everyone out there in internet land. I just joined this site and had a question. Does anyone know how to send e-mail to the mission home? The newly called president-Pres. Paul Woodland was a companion of mine and I wanted to try and get in contact with him. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
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