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Elder Blake Potter

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Arlen Dean Woffinden (1997 - 2000) | Paulo Roberto Toffanelli (2000 - 2003)
Served: 1999 - 2001
Areas Served:
Pampulha, Betim, Progresso, Varginha, Sete Lagoas
Stan Lee Catron | Joshua James Cook | Jackson Fernando Da Silva | Brock T. Ellis | Christopher Robin Hilton | Phillip Clark Hymas | Ammon David Palmer | Zenilson Jose de Souza
Much to my surprise, I'm engaged to be married in August and life couldn't be better. I'll be a junior in the fall at NC State University.
Created: 26 Jun 2002  Modified: 26 Jun 2002
Last Login: 26 Jun 2002 02:40:04 PM

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