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Elder Zenilson Jose de Souza

Rua Dr. Virgilio Guedes,1321
Ponta Grossa
Maceió, AL 57014-220


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Arlen Dean Woffinden (1997 - 2000) | Paulo Roberto Toffanelli (2000 - 2003)
Served: 2000 - 2002
Areas Served:
Sete Lagoas, Betim, Gutierrez, Janaúba, Curvelo, Aeroporto(BH)
Benjamin Richards Burt | Michael J Courtright | Blake Potter
Your Occupation: Student in College of Medicine
Created: 19 Dec 2002  Modified: 19 Dec 2002
Last Login: 07 Jan 2003 11:45:37 AM

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