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Levi  Brinkerhoff Alumni Photo

Elder Levi Brinkerhoff

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Edson José Martins Lopes (1999 - 2002)
Served: 1999 - 2001
Areas Served:
Siqueira Campos, Jatiuca, Eduardo Gomes, Atalaia, Palmeira dos Indios, Cidade Universitaria, Santos Dumont I
Andrew Stephen Blodgett | Matt Gottfredson | Ben Howell (Howell) | Matt Huff | Peterson Pinheiro | Cameron James Reed | Brent R. Taylor
Your Occupation: Student
Spouse: Cari Jo Brinkerhoff
Hello everyone,
Just a little update on my life. I am majoring in business with plans on continuing on to dental school. On February 21, 2003 I was married in the Billings Montana temple to Cari Jo Loveland of Burlington, Wyoming.
Created: 05 May 2003  Modified: 13 Jun 2011
Last Login: 13 Jun 2011 03:12:17 PM

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