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Elder Cameron James Reed

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James M. Fisher (1996 - 1999) | Edson José Martins Lopes (1999 - 2002)
Served: 1999 - 2001
Areas Served:
Arapiraca, AL
Farol, AL
Canada, AL
Arapiraca, AL
Jatuica, AL
Colina, AL
Campo Verde, SE
Lagarto, SE
Levi Brinkerhoff | Edwin A. Cisneros | Ben Howell (Howell) | Ryan Sean Lindsay | Zachariah D. Shore | Dan H Sonntag
Spouse: Aaron Marie Winters
I have been married for 3 years in March (12th) I have two sons. Benjamin (1 year old on Feb 10 2005) and Samuel (born Feb 7 2005) I work for Jack Henry and Associates as a Customer Support Representative and an Internal Product Trainer. If you could not tell my life is very busy. I am planning on attending college in the fall (2005) I plan to persue a degree in secondary education. The teaching techniques and skills I learned on my mission I plan to carry into the classroom.
We are still living in Missouri and our ward just split. I am now the first counselor in the Elder Quorum Presidency. I am learning alot. I am humbled that the Lord has decided to bless my life so greatly. I am gratefull for the many friends I made while on my mission. Hope to talk to some of you soon. Drop me a line at Tchauzao!!!!
Created: 19 Aug 2002  Modified: 13 Feb 2005
Last Login: 13 Feb 2005 06:11:18 PM

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