Posted by joe on May 11, 1999 at 14:52:04:
In Reply to: Re: I hated Los Mayimbes! posted by Tom on May 09, 1999 at 11:04:11:
: Thanks for the comment dominican joe. At least there are some of you guys out there that have the guts to stick up for your little group. I will admit that I didn't know Boyer very well at all but I do know that he was a follower type as well as a lot of other missionaries that I was well acquainted with. My biggest problem is with the fact that "los mayimbes" didn't just keep their little group to themselves but also affected lots of other impressionable guys. I also must say that it really irks me when you say that you didn't think that you guys were being disobedient. The fact that you guys picked the name mayimbe says a lot about your mentality. Unless you don't really know what it means and it's very possible that you don't. (I don't recall the mayimbes being the poster children for good spanish, unless you count cursing as good spanish)
: So basically in a nutshell, dominican joe, you have a completely indefensible position. Anyone who associated themselves with the mayimbes knowingly put themselves in a group that was known for having a bad attitude and being disobedient. (and yes I know a lot of stories about disobedience) Anyway, that's how I feel about that whole situation. Sorry if I sound "negative" as you put it.
Thanks really need to let it go buddy. This subject must really be eating you apart. My position is just a little bit less judgemental. I pray that you will learn to forgive others.