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Brian Eric Anderson Alumni Photo

Elder Brian Eric Anderson

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Monte Stewart (1994 - 1997) | Richard W. Jones (1997 - 2000)
Served: 1996 - 1998
Areas Served:
West Side South
North Point
Kennesaw Mountain
Jeremy Schnepf | Michael D Smith | kyle david Strate | Neil Walter
Your Occupation: Graduate Student
Spouse: Angela
I'm currently finishing up a PhD in Acoustics at Penn State. I got married in 2001 and have a son named Travis. It's fun being a dad. I serve in a branch presidency as a stake calling (there is a Penn State University Ward). So we travel 35 minutes each way to church about 2-3 times a week. We wish we lived closer to a temple. The DC temple is a 3.5 hour drive while the Palmyra temple is a 4 hour drive.
Created: 21 May 2002  Modified: 28 Apr 2006
Last Login: 05 May 2006 08:44:13 AM

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"Brothers and sisters, the missionaries need our faith and prayers. Pray fervently every day for their safety and protection, for this is one very important way we all can support them in accomplishing their essential assignment of proclaiming the gospel to all the world. I bear testimony that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. We are engaged in his work. I testify that through the faith and prayers of all members of the Church, we will continue moving this great work forward to the final victory. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen."
- Elder M. Russell Ballard, Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
Ensign, Nov. 1989
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