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   Webmaster: Joseph Caufield

Elder Ryan Stephens

1074 Calle Del Cerro #1804
San Clemente, CA 92672


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Richard W. Jones (1997 - 2000) | Michael Glauser (2000 - 2003)
Served: 1999 - 2001
Areas Served:
Sandy Plains, Redan (R.I.P.), Whitewater, Lithia Springs, Refferal Girl, Winder
Berkeley Graham Bate | Eric Briggs | Royce Clay Iverson | Joshua D. Layton | Stoney Lee Pearson | Derek M. Peterson | J Trey Terry
Your Occupation: Motivational Speaker/ Crump Dancing Choreographer
Spouse: Cute Laura
Well, well, well. Life is pretty good these days. We just bought our second home and third porsche. It's red and that's cool. My speed boats are kind of getting boring though, so we will probably end up selling them this fall. If you know anyone who is interested they are both pretty radical boats, they are named "Sabbath Breaker 1", and "Sabbath Breaker 2". O.k. well, if you want to keep in touch just email or call me, but I do have to warn you that I'm totally busy these days, and can't really commit to having lunch or anything.
Created: 19 Apr 2006  Modified: 15 Oct 2006
Last Login: 15 Oct 2006 12:20:32 AM

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"Brothers and sisters, the missionaries need our faith and prayers. Pray fervently every day for their safety and protection, for this is one very important way we all can support them in accomplishing their essential assignment of proclaiming the gospel to all the world. I bear testimony that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. We are engaged in his work. I testify that through the faith and prayers of all members of the Church, we will continue moving this great work forward to the final victory. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen."
- Elder M. Russell Ballard, Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
Ensign, Nov. 1989
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