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auguro serenità d'animo a dispetto di tutte le difficoltà e le cattive notizie che saranno divulgate nel prossimo anno. Auguri per uno splendido natale e un gratificante 2014
I'm trying to help my Italian friend find the missionaries who taught him June 1977 in Vicenza. His name is Alex Faresin.
He gave me the names:
Elder Pulsipher
Elder Daniel Simmons
If anyone knows how I can contact these brethren, please contact me at mckeanrc@gmail.com
July 2012 marked the 20th anniversary of the start of Presidente and Sorella Anderson's mission. To celebrate the event a reunion has been set for Friday October 3rd, 2012. More details will follow on the exact location and time, however it is going to be a fantastic evening. If you would like to attend, and stay informed please submit your email address to: padovareunion@gmail.com, and/or follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/43040522613/
Died on Feb 23, 2012, funeral was Sat, Mar 2, 2012.
Obit was published in the Provo Daily Herald.
I didn't serve under him but was in his ward in Orem when he was called. He attended the same chapel as I did before he went into a rest home in about 2004.
Please see the following message from President and Sister Curtis:
As you may have heard, in commemoration of the 10 year anniversary of the conclusion of their mission, President and Sister Curtis are hosting a reunion for their missionaries at their home on Saturday, July 9, 2011 at 5:00 p.m. The address is still 1837 E. Moorecrest Court in Salt Lake County, Utah. You can either park on Moorecrest Court or at Ridgecrest Elementary which is directly behind their home, and which has an entrance off of 7200 South. Wives, husbands, children, fiances, dates, etc. are welcome. This event will be three weeks before the Curtises leave for Ghana and their new assignment. Please bring a salad or dessert to share. Other food will be provided. If you have any questions, you can contact the Curtises at padova4@hotmail.com or at 801-943-8318. Please spread the word to as many former missionaries as possible.
Lee and Jane
Does anyone know how I can get in touch with Anziano Sorensen?: He was from Hawaii and served in Trieste in 1982
During the all mission Italy mission reunion, President and Sorella Curtis mentioned that this summer marks 10 years from the end of their mission. They decided that they want to have a party at their house this summer to celebrate and reconnect with their missionaries. Thus, they asked us to spread the word in an effort to have as many missionaries come as possible. They mentioned that they want us to bring our families. They decided to hold the party this summer hoping that many of their missionaries who live outside of town may be able to come to the party. Please RSVP so your friends will know that you are coming and be motivated to come. Please forward this to any missionaries you are still in contact with.
You can RSVP at http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=201124536577522
My wife and I are stopping through San Gimignano on our way from Firenze to Siena and don't want to walk around with all our luggage (not that we will have much, but still...) The Rick Steves guidebook we have says there is no baggage storage in town. Anyone have any inside knowledge they can share? You can't visit la Toscana without visiting a beautiful town like San Gimignano.
Anziano Jeremy Erickson
I am finally taking the wife to Italy after 12 years of marriage (15 years after returning from the mission). We are probably starting out in Venice for a few days, then spending a week in Tuscany and finishing up in Rome. Any of you have advice for places to stay in Venice, Florence, Cinque Terre, Siena and/or Rome? We don't want to break the bank, but are willing to spend more than I did as a missionary.
I don't know how many here remember Tullio De Ruvo, originally from Trieste. I recieved some terrible news on New Year's Day about his passing. If I have the dates right, he passed away on Sunday, December 19, 2010, eight days before his 48th birthday. From what I've been told he died from the complications of lung cancer. If anyone knows more details than I do, please feel free to correct my mistakes.
He stayed a faithful member of the church to the end. Many of the stories regarding the Rome temple listed him as a church spokesman. A friend of mine said his son served as a missionary on the Milano Mission side of Italy. She said he was a delightful elder.
Heaven may have gained a new star with his leaving this world, but the world lost a brilliant light.
I just had the most amazing experience. I serve on the High Council in my Stake and was visiting the Springfield (IL) 2nd Ward. During High Priest meeting, the group leader, Brother Howard, who was teaching the lesson (on Church Organization) commented on how wonderful he thought it was, when as a new convert at a small military base in Northern Italy, that President Kimball would come to visit. I asked if he was at Aviano and he indicated that he was at Vicenzo. He remembered Elder Castagneto but could not recall any other missionaries' names.
If an yof you serve in the Vicenzo servicemans branch between December 1975 (when he was baptised) and late 1977 (when he transferred to the Presidio in San Francisco and remember Bro. Howard - - let me know or look him up on Facebook...
Elder Craven
Anyone else out there from the Watkins/Lotito era have Elder B's cartoons? We photocopied his Missionary Diary right before he went home. Even today, I can look at those cartoons and smile and brings tears to my eyes at the memories. Those were very much the "had to be there" kinds of things.
Is there going to be a reunion this year?
It is Davida Da Ponte, phone number is +39 335-7908338 , email address is ddaponte@mac.com
Does anyone have an e-mail or physical address contact for the branch or branch president in Bolzano?
Does anyone happen to have contact information from THE Steve Black from Michigan? He served from 1996-1998. Thanks.
I've recently gotten on facebook and I was suprised how many people from the mission are not on there. I've reconnected however with Italian missionaries I've served with and have been able to begin practicing my Italian again. What a blessing. Also it's a great way to share photo's of our missions and families. If your on facebook and know me from the mission, please look me up and add me as a friend, I would love to reconnect with everyone!
We are so excited to hear the news of the new Rome Temple. We have been looking all over the internet to see if we could find exactly where it is and I found it on www.ldschurchtemples.com. From the home page you find temples and under construction or announced, click on there, then click on the Rome Italy temple and from there you can see the ariel view, street map, and even construction photos which were taken awhile ago. You can even get on a mailing list where they will update you on the progression of the temple. I think it is super exciting, so I thought I would share. Let's all keep our fingers crossed that we will all see each other at the dedication. I know we are hoping to make it. God speed!
I have been speaking with other returned missionaries who served in Italy, and it seems the feeling is common. My wife and I will also be there for the dedication!
Today, an amazing announcement was made in General Conference--the building of a temple in Rome!
What a blessing not only for the saints of Italy, but for the entire nation of Italy. The presence of a temple dedicated to the Lord always brings blessings with it to the nation it is built in!
And just think what it means for the saints of Italy, as well! They are faithfull enough to merit having a temple built there that will not only serve them, but the members of Greece, the members of the former Yugoslavia, and other nations in that area of the Mediteranean Sea.
The scuttlebutt has it that it is a development that will not only include the temple, but a stake center for the stake in Rome, but a branch of of BYU, and a community sport center that will be available to the local citizens. (AT least that is what my friend Alessandra Po Mannuci has shared with me.)
I feel so luck to be included in those who had the chance to serve in Italy and come to know those wonderful, crazy Italians, and count them among my very best friends.
I know what my next trip to Italy will be. I WILL BE THERE for the dedication of the temple in Rome.
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"You are a great army of returned missionaries. Go forward with new zeal and determination, and through your example shine the light of the gospel in this troubled world. This is the Lord’s work in which we are engaged. God lives. Jesus is the Christ. We belong to His Church. This is my witness to you in the name of Jesus Christ, amen."