| Elder Michael Ryan Peterson Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Gerrit Mark Steenblik (2001 - 2003) |
Served: 2002 - 2002 |
Areas Served: Koumassi, Doukui-Nord |
Your Occupation: Student |
Spouse: Melissa Peterson |
Comments: I came home from the mission with with medical problems in October 2002. I am still suffering certain symptoms, but all is going well. I got married in June 2003. I am now going to school in Rexburg at BYU-Idaho.
Je suis rentre de la mission etant malad avec esophogitis en Octobre 2002. J'ai quelques symtomes toujours qui restent mais ca va. Je me suis marie en Juin 2003. Presentement je fais mes etudes a Rexburg a BYU-Idaho. |
Created: 07 Feb 2003 Modified: 22 Nov 2003 |
Last Login: 12 Mar 2004 10:18:19 PM |