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The following comment has been submitted by Chris Isbell
Dear Brothers and Sisters:
The young men’s presidency of the West Jordan, Utah Welby 3rd Ward has been actively engaged in the development of the young men to serve honorable missions. As one of our activities, the young men’s program will be attempting to set a world record for reading the title page of the Book of Mormon in the most languages. The current world record set for this type of event stands at 111 languages for a poem read last year.
Over the next few months, the young men will be experiencing what it is like to have to speak a foreign language as they hone their skills and working on the pronunciation of the various words that comprise the title page of the Book of Mormon. We are asking them to prayerfully seek assistance from the Lord so that can gain a small understanding of what it will be like in the mission field.
However, although we have several returned missionaries that are helping with the pronunciation; we have need of assistance in the actual phonetic translation or Romanization of many more. As an example of what we are
looking for….the word “India” may be pronounced (In-dee-uh).
We ask that if you or anyone you know has language ability in the following languages, please contact Brother Chris Isbell via email at We have the title page scans in a format that is both acceptable for the Guinness World Record group and easy for the young men to read. Your assistance will be noted and recognized during our world
record attempt.
We sincerely appreciate your consideration and look forward to any support you may be able to provide as we attempt to prepare the young men for honorable missionary service, attempt to set a new world record, bring more publicity to the Book of Mormon and strengthen our quorums.
Chris Isbell
Guatemala, Guatemala City North Mission ’92-‘94
Afrikaans, Albanian, Aleun Fante, Amara, Amharic, Anhovic, Apache, Arabic, Armenian-E,Armenian-W, Aulu, Aymara, Bahasa-indo, Bahasa-Mal, Belarusian, Bengali, Bikolano, Bislamic, Bulgarian, Burmese, Cakchiquel, Cambodian, Catalan, Cebuano, Cesky, Chamorro, Chinese, Chuukese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dansk, Dutch, Efik, Estonian, Fante, Farsi, Fijian, Filipino, Finnish, French, Galician, Greek, Guarani, Hatian, Creole, Hawaii, Hebrew, Hiligaynon, Hindi, Hmong, Hmoob, Hungarian, Icelandic, Igbo, IIokano, Indonesian, Irish, Italian, Japanese, Kekchi, Kiribati, Kisii, Korean, Kuna, Laotian, Latuian, Latvian, Lingala, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Malagasy, Malay, Maltese, Mam, Maori, Marshallese, Maya, Mongolian, Navajo, Neomelanesian, Niuean, Norwegian, Palau, Pampango, Pangasinan, Papiamento, Persian, Pohnpeian, Polish, Portuguese, Quechua– Bol, Quechua –Peru, Quiche, Rarotongan, Romanian, Russian, Samoan, Serbian, Shona, Sinhala, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swahili, Swedish, Tagalog, Tahiti, Tamil, Telugu, Thai, Tongan, Tswana, Turkese, Tzotzil, Ukranian, Urdu, Vietnamese, Waray, Welsh, Xhona, Yapese, Yiddish, Zulu
i heard that the mail can get delayed If its sent to the mission home and that rats get into packages that contain food. Is it true? What are some things that you liked receiving from home that I could send to our son serving on Kosrae!
I have been contacted by the Utah State Courts. They are looking for someone who may be able to help with interpreting in the Chuuk language.
If you are interested, please contact for more information.
I heard there was a small population of Chuukese living in Salt Lake. Anyone know where they meet for Church?
Also, I'm trying to track down a local named Herman Walter. He was District President. Anyone know the missionary mailbox address in Chuuk?
RSVP. thanks.
I need sand from a beach on Guam. I ran into a lady in the store the other day. She saw my Guam shirt and asked if i had been there. She is looking to get a bottle of sand from any beach on Guam for a friend who was stationed there many years ago
If anyone can help me out i will reimburse them for the postage or we can work something out. Please help this nice lady!
Hi All!
I have a Trukese (Chuukese) bed mat that I am getting ready to post on Craigslist and/or Ebay, but I thought I'd give first dibs to the MGM alumni or friends/family of MGM.
I'm in the process of downsizing, so I thought I would check on here to see if anyone would like to buy it.
I have pictures, so email me at, if you'd like to see it.
I have no idea how much it's worth, but it has quite a bit of sentimental value to me. I'd like to see it go to someone that would enjoy it as much as I have.
I'll leave it open until 10/31/07, but then I'll be posting to Craigslist first, and if that doesn't work, then Ebay.
I just received my call to Micronesia Guam, and couldn't be more elated! I just want to know what i should bring, wear, expect etc. I lived in Hawaii for 4 yrs and am wondering if its a lot like that. Missionaries are the best, let me know if any of you get a minute. ALoha!
The following is a July 16, 2007 posting on the church website. (From the homepage click "News and Events"). What's really weird is that last night I had a dream where I was speaking Kosraean...and now I wake up and find this story.
Note that they mispelled Tafunsak......which was my favorite area by the way. I also noted their statement that there are two branches on Kosrae. They must have merged Malem and Utwe into one branch at some point in the last few years. Has anyone been out there in the past few years and can give an update on the status of the church? These supplies will definitely help out there. Kampare mwet Kosrae!
"Although some students generally avoid anything school-related during summer vacation, students at Tafusak Elementary School in Kosrae, Micronesia, happily returned to their school with their families to receive humanitarian kits given to them by local members of the Church on June 28, 2007.
On the island of Kosrae, also known as the “Island of the Sleeping Lady” because of its profile, 1,500 school kits, 1,200 hygiene kits, and 300 newborn kits were donated to seven elementary schools and the state hospital.
As students were presented with a backpack filled with school supplies put together by young members of the Church in Japan, their eyes lit up, said Bill David, Micronesia-Guam service center manager.
“They are all looking forward to the new school year to make use of their new supplies,” Brother David said.
In a formal presentation, Kosrae State Governor Robert James Weilbacher thanked the members of the Church for the donations. He said ongoing budgetary problems make the donations important and acknowledged that the kits will go a long way to help the people of Kosrae.
The hygiene kits consisted of personal hygiene supplies, and the newborn kits included new baby clothes, diapers, soap, booties, and a blanket. All the newborn kits went to the Kosrae State Hospital.
For many years, members of the Church have been actively involved in humanitarian relief and development throughout the world. There are 3,504 members of the Church in Micronesia and two branches on the island of Kosrae."
Congrats to Sis. Ariana Manoa who was married on March 17, 2007 in the Laie Hawaii Temple to Na'eku Smith!!! May the lord watch over the both of you in this beggining of your mission together!! muh love to you both...ALOHA
Hey guys, can you let me know what's going on with the reunion here in Hawaii? Thanks
Hey guys, can you let me know what's going on with the reunion here in Hawaii? Thanks
we now have 3 palauans here at BYUH. Kolebrang Mariur, Rilang and Genesis Roberto. It's a joy to be friends with people that you served with at school.
Pres. Edwards (District President of Pohnpei) passed away yesterday 15 September 2006.
Marshallese Activation Activity!
Members of the Springdale Arkansas area are looking to hold a reactivation activity and fireside around Thanksgiving this year. The local ward is looking for marshallese speakers that could make the trip. I will be driving up from SanAntonio Texas and would be more than willing to pick up anyone between here and there. Direct Questions to David Martin (801)8366281
Members from Pohnpei have recently gone to the temple in the Philippines. They had great experiences. Unfortunately many members didn't have enough money to make the trip. I know of one person who is making crafts and grass skirts in order to earn money to take her 13 children to the temple next year. If you are interested in ordering some crafts please e-mail me. I will get you in touch with the missionary couple who can take craft orders for this sister. They will mail the orders when the crafts are finished.
Ruth Tautua'a
Dear MGM Missionaires
Brother Paradise and I lived on Kwajalien for 11 years and took care of missionaries and helped with the Marshallese branches.
We received an e-mail on Sat. June 25 from David Hamill, who is the district president on Kwajalien.
A new mission is being created called the Marshall Island Majuro Mission. This mission will be a split between the Fiji Mission and the MGM and a branch from Honolulu Hawaii.
This mission will include the Kwajalien Micronesia District, the Majuro District, Tarawa Kirbati Stake, Tarawa Gilbert Island District, Baurki Branch and Christmas Island.
The mission home will be in Majuro. The mission will be under the New Zealand/Pacific Island Area. The new mission president will be President Bleke from Nevada.
The mission will be in operation between July 1st and August 1st.
Myrline Paradise
I heard that the Marshall Islands are being split off from the "Micronesia Guam" mission this July. Does anyone have more details about the split? Also, what mission will the Marshall's be apart of?
Just thought everyone would like to know that our mission is being spilt. The Marshall Islands will no longer be apart of the Micronesia Guam Mission. Majuro will serve as the place for the new mission home.
It's exciting to see how much good is being done in our tiny isles of the sea!
I'm trying to contact Sister Skeen who recently returned home. Last known area of residence is Bellvue, Washington. Please email me if you know how I can contact her.
(IBO: Howard J. Abraham)
My wife and our three children are relocating back to Oahu May 30. If someone in Mormonville could please pick us up at the airport (3 carseats!)and give us a place to stay for the night. Please call me at 425-743-6477.
Howard Abraham
i just wanted to send y'all a big warm aloha from the 808 state of HAWAII!
things are going good for me, im back at school in BYUH and loving it...but i really miss being a missionary in micronesia! well i hope and pray that all is well with you!
take care and god bless...
till next time
Sis. Tiana Henderson
I am looking for an old friend from Guam. Her name is Mercedes Rubic. If anybody knows her, or how to reach her, please e-mail me.
Brother and Sister Buhler gave there home coming report from there mission in Tonga. They servered in Micronesia I think in 2000-2001. They said that Chuuk was having problems with missionaries being able to teach the gosple there. That most of the missionaries are polynesians. Is this true?? Just wanting to know what's going on there.
I am looking for Elder Funk and Elder Bret Olsen. Does anybody know where they are.
Let me know.
Anyone out here in the Portland, OR area that speaks Marshallese?...our full time missionaries are teaching a family that speaks little English. I know your out there itchin to speak it again so contact me if you can.
Hey everyone!
I'm doing a little research and am hoping people can help me a little with Chuukese.
I know that sentences usually have the word order subject first and verb next (like English "The man reads.") Does anyone know if it possible to put the verb first in a sentence, something like "Reads the man" or "Reads the man the book."?
I'd appreciate any help I can get.
Heather Willson
Hello everyone, I'm looking for my President. I've miss them and I just want to talk to them and I wanted to see them at our reunion but I couldn't, they left early. So please, if anyone knows, email me and thanks for your support. Bar loi yuk!
President and Sister Thatcher would like to thank everyone that came to the
reunion on April 1st, 2005.
Sister Thatcher was thrilled that so many of you came. She hopes that you can keep in touch with her and hopefully have another reunion sometime.
It was so wonderful to meet many of you that we didn't know.
Myrline Paradise
Please, if anyone would be able to translate this message and get it back to me, I would love them to death. :)
The message is for the Marshallese that are living here in Spokane, Washington. Since most of them that are here don't understand English, the phone companies are taking advantage of them. Anyone ever pay $100.00 dollars a month for a phone bill? They do... This is information to help them understand.
Thanks for your help!! My e-mail address is
Basic Phone Service Information:
Basic phone service can cost as little as $20.00 per month (or low as $10.00 per month if on a discounted plan.) Here are some tips on keeping your phone costs low:
Telephone sales representatives can be misleading and deceitful. They will try to sell you many different, expensive options. When you sign up for phone service, ask for “Basic Phone Service”. The phone company will try to get you to order a special package or additional services which will make your phone bill more expensive. Also, cellular service through the phone company will likely be more expensive than through another cell phone company.
Keep extra features to a minimum. These might include Caller ID, Voice Mail, Three Way Calling, or *69 (also known as last call return). These features are expensive and can add up quickly. If you would like to have one or two of these features, they will likely be less expensive with out a special package.
The phone company offers free "restriction" services. If there are many people using your phone, this is a good idea. This would prevent users from making long distance calls without a calling card, or using the *69, or three-way calling features.
Free Trial Periods – If the phone company offers you a free trial period for a special feature, you must cancel it before the period ends, or else the phone company will continue to charge for it until the feature is cancelled
Keep track of your bills and the charges. If there are any charges you do not understand, call the Citizens Utility Alliance 744.3370 x209 for assistance.
If you have any questions, contact the Citizens Utility Alliance 744.3370 x209
Conference is coming up. Pohnpeian team will have a meeting on this Saturday Feb. 12th, 12:30 ni souwas. At the Conference Center in the Training area. Pohnpeian team will translate all the sessions, so we need more people to help. If you're interested, just come on that day, Feb. 12th. Training will start on Feb. 26th. If you really love the Pohnpeian saints, then come and help them better understand the words of Heavenly Father. Come and join us and your Pohnpeian language will return to you by the Spirit. Kalahngan en kupwuromwail koaros oh kaselehlie.
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