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| Elder John Edward Hulme Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Adney Y. Komatsu [Dec.] (1965 - 1968) | Served: 1965 - 1968 | Areas Served: Oct. 2, 1965 - Nov. 6, 1965 Barton J. Howell Nov. 6, 1965 - Jan. 22, 1966 William R. Walker Jan. 22, 1966 - Mar. 18, 1966 Richard J. Otake Mar. 18, 1966 - June 26, 1966 Rikuo Toma June 26, 1966 - July 2, 1966 Brent R. Budden July 2, 1966 - Sep. 21, 1966 Robert S. DaBell Sep. 21, 1966 - Nov. 1, 1966 Steven W. Booth Nov. 1, 1966 - Nov. 25, 1966 G. Michael Gougler Nov. 25, 1966 - Mar. 7, 1967 David E. Ushio | Companions: Steven William Booth [Deceased] | Brent Ray Budden | Robert Steven Da Bell | George Michael Gougler | Conan Paul Grames | Barton John Howell, Jr. | Udel Thomas Jackson, Jr. [Deceased] | Heber Smith Jacobsen | Bruce David Jones | Hyrum Anderson Mead, Jr. | Richard Susumu Otake | John Thomas Stott | David Evan Ushio | William Russell Walker | Spouse: Lorraine Shipley | Comments: Family facts: Married Lorraine Shipley 31 May, 1969 in Idaho Falls Temple (we met at the home of Rob Millett, NFEM 66-68, during the one year I spent at BYU) eight children, 4 sons and 4 daughters, 4 having served missions (Brazil Manaus, England Leeds.
I'm currently the Director of the Santa Clara Family History Center serving Los Altos and Saratoga Stakes; also called as a ward family history consultant and as an assistant to the High Priest Group Leader in the Los Gatos Ward. My wife Lorraine is the Relief Society President in the ward.
We have eight children (four daughters, four sons), three married, one engaged (and one almost so), six of them return missionaries (England, Brazil, Dominican Republic, Spain, Wisconsin Spanish-speaking, and Florida Spanish-speaking) the youngest awaiting her call. The first six children graduated from BYU, one is in her senior year there, and the prospective missionary will have one more year at BYU Idaho when she gets home. So far we have five granddaughters and one grandson, from the two families living in Utah. The rest of the family all live within minutes of where we do.
Lorraine was born in Mesa, Arizona but was raised on a dairy farm in Southeast Idaho. We met at BYU six months after I returned from Japan. She spent two years at Ricks College then transferred to BYU. I was at BYU to take a one-year respite from my studies at Stanford University, where we returned as a married couple, and where I complete my coursework for degrees in Mathematics, Asian Languages and Computer Science.
Occupation-wise, I am VP of Finance for a company that manufactures electric distribution equipment for US and Canadian customers; 135 employees, annual revenues $50-60M.
Probably far more information than you wanted, if you ever need a place to stay when visiting the San Francisco-Oakland-San Jose area, we have a number of empty bedrooms. |
Created: 29 Feb 2004 Modified: 17 Apr 2003 |
Last Login: 29 Feb 2004 12:22:25 PM |
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