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Elder James Torgesen Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Leo M. Jacobsen (1966 - 1969) | Ray C. Johnson (1969 - 1972) | Served: 1967 - 1969 | Language(s) spoken:Norwegian | Areas Served: "Bergen, Oslo (Boler, Holmenkollen), Stavanger, Drammen" | Companions: Jerry K Reiersen | Your Occupation: Retired | Spouse: Lynda | Comments: "Lived in Maryland for the last 28yrs. Worked for Montgomery County outside Washington DC as the Labor Relations Manager. Retired in 2005 and moved to Northern Idaho. I have been married to Lynda Griner since 1970. We have four children, Sam, Nathan, Stafford and Britta. The boys have served missions in Costa Rica, Montreal, and Recife, Brazil. All are married with their own childreen; as of this writing we have 8 grandchildren. Years of church service inclued working stake and ward YM programs, bishop, h. counselor, seminary teacher, primary worker, HP Group leader and Gospel Doctrine teacher.
Would be interested in making contact with former companions and fellow missionaries to hear of their lives since serving in Norway. |
Created: 10 Oct 2005 Modified: 09 Mar 2007 |
Last Login: 07 May 2009 09:39:26 AM |
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