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Mormons Bok audio 02 Mar 2018
I don't suppose anyone knows where I can get an audio copy of Mormons Book? I am going back to Norway for the the first time in 30 years and have been looking for them everywhere without luck.

Steven Cannon Send Email
Visiting Bergen and Oslo this July 24 Jun 2013
My wife, Claudia, and I just celebrated our 30th anniversary and thanks to a wonderful Christmas gift from our 3 oldest children, we will be visiting Norway from the July 21 - 31. We are so excited we can hardly wait! We will be in the Bergen area from the 22nd to the 26th. After a train ride and overnight in Stalheim, we will be in Oslo from the 27th to the 31st. I would love to hear from any members or missionaries that served from 1980 to 1982.
Tusen Takk,
Ron Shaffer
Ronald Shaffer Send Email
Old Books (UPDATE) 18 Feb 2013
Monta reports an overwhelming response and all of the books are spoken for. Monta will respond to all emails received. JKJ, DNM Webmaster

Hello Everyone,
My father (and some of my brothers) went to Norway on a mission. And my Great Grandfather was from Norway. Recently my mom passed away and in going through her house I found some books that I hate to just send to D.I.--so I thought I'd see if people with a Norway connection had an interest in them. They are mostly, but not all, church books (I think--I can't read Norwegian!). One looks to be a discussion flip-chart. One is a hymnbook and one an old "Children's Sing" (the old primary songbook). The most recent book was published in 1950, the earliest in 1909. Also 2 Norwegian flags. Anyone interested? If so, please email me at I'm in the Salt Lake City area (Sandy), but I could mail them.
Monta Thomas Send Email
Trip to Norway 01 Apr 2012
If you have been yearning to return to the land of the Midnight Sun...nows your chance! We are traveling to Noway with which embarks from Copenhagen on July 21, 2012. We sail for 8 wonderful days up the coast of Norway stopping in ports such as Oslo, Stavanger, Bergen, Flam, and Hellesylt. We have 12 people signed up to go now and are hoping to get 20 people so that we can get a former general authority to be a guest tour guide. We went on this same cruise in 2005 and absolutely loved it. PLease contact the travel agency directly at 1-888-573-8687 or go to to view the itinerary. Vi ses igjen! Ha de bra!
Karen Bradshaw
Karen Berling Bradshaw Send Email
Family History 02 Dec 2011
My ancestors joined the church in Norway in 1860. Carl Johansen and wife Helena Hansen. Carl was 32 and Helena was 33. They had 3 small children, daughter Andrea Amalie married John Solomon Saxton in Utah after the family migrated to America in 1872. Carl was born in Nittedal and lived in Hadddalen and Helena in Stange and lived in Slang/slarup? just above Oslo. Carl was a joiner (wood finisher).

Can anyone provide any information on this family? I would love to know for example how they joined the church.
John Kenton Wyatt Send Email
Looking for Elder Richardson 16 Oct 2011
Does anyone know how I could get a hold of Bryan Richardson. He served with me in Bekkestua 1977 -78. I have lost track of him and would like to contact him.
Kinley Peterson Send Email
Looking for a former Missionary 14 Jan 2011
Recently I received a phone call from Bro. Rwighameras (sp?). He is a Rwandan refugee who came to Norway and joined the Church in the early to mid 90s (I think he said 93 or 94). The missionary who baptized him was Keith Harpp (this is how he spelled it to me). I knew Bro. Rwighameras in 2003 when we lived in the Sandvika Ward. Bro. Rwighameras will be in SLC shortly and wanted help in tracking down this missionary. Can anyone help.

Tusen Takk,
Steve Thomsen
Steve Thomsen Send Email
Mormons BOK on tape 30 Jul 2010

I have the Book of Mormon on tape in Norwegian from the 80's. This is an excellent language teaching tool for missionaries. So if you have a walkman from the 90's or a device that can play cassettes, I'll ship it to you if you cover the cost. If you are interested reply to me privately at
John William Arnesen Send Email
Haugen/Wilford Reunion 20 Jul 2010

There are only 73 more days until General Conference which means that there are only 72 more days until the Presidents Haugen and Wilford missionary reunion. It is not too early to plan your calendar so mark Friday, October 1st on your calendar. Details will follow in the next few days.

In the meantime, I am putting together a montage of pictures to show during the reunion and I need your pictures. Either email pictures to me at or put them on a cd and send them to me at 3652 West 1350 North Cedar City, Utah 84721. Send before (missionary pictures) and after (pictures today) pictures. Remember to include the names of each person in each picture. The attached pictures will give you an example.

Remember, mark your calendar for October 1, 2010. Be there or be square. Please respond to this email @ so I can email you directly with updates.

Ron Chandler
Ronald F Chandler Send Email
Pres. John Langeland 19 Jul 2010
Pres. John Langeland passed away on Saturday, July 17, 2010. He was 91 years old. His funeral is being planned for Monday, July 26, 2010 in Salt Lake City, Utah. Missionaries who served under him have been invited to participate in the funeral by singing the mission song, "A Call to Serve".

More details will be forthcoming. If you have any questions or intend to attend the funeral and participate, please contact Doug Griffith at <>.

Doug Griffith
Douglas E. Griffith Send Email
Wilford/Broberg/Hyer 23 Jun 2010
Anyone who served under Presidents Wilford, Broberg, and/or Hyer?

I was given the mission roster by President Broberg many years ago and helped organize the first reunion. Now I've been contacted by someone wanting to organize a new reunion and I'd like any updates to the list before passing it on. Please submit address updates for yourself or anyone whose current addresses you know to me here.


Mark Nielsen
Mark D. Nielsen Send Email
Looking for people 08 Jun 2010
Wondering if anyone has any info on Christina Kessle aor Stacy Harris. Just wondering.....
Leslie Sharp Send Email
Amy Anderson 04 Jun 2010
Hey does anyone know how to get in contact with Amy Anderson? She served from 89-90 I would really love to talk with her!!!!! If you do give her my E-mail
Thanks Leslie (story) Sharp
Leslie Sharp Send Email
Language Teaching Request 22 Feb 2010
Provided on behalf of Rebecca Gudmundson:

"This is going to sound like an odd request, but I am looking for someone who would be willing to teach a friend of mine Norwegian. He wants to take a trip to Norway sometime this summer and hopefully do some missionary work with a line of his family that did not join the church. Anyway, I was hoping you might be willing or know of anyone who lives near SLC who might be willing to teach the language. My friend is an excellent linguist and would gladly do a language trade (he speaks about 18 languages fluently) or he is also willing to pay. He has been looking for someone to teach him for a while with no luck so I thought I would help in the search. Please get back to me at your earliest convenience."

You can contact Rebecca at

Jim Jezek
DNM Webmaster

James Jezek Send Email
Richard Gregory Johnson 11 Oct 2009
Member Arild Oliver BrĂ¥then from Fredrikstad was baptized July 1976 is looking for Elder Richard Gregory Johnson. If anyone knows anything, email me at or find Bro BrĂ¥then on Facebook.
Kirt Naylor Send Email
Death of John Baird 16 Apr 2009
It is with much sadness that I inform you of the passing of John Baird, He served in Norway from 1965-1968, Peterson/ Jacobsen. His funeral will be Friday April 17, 2009 at 10:00 AM at the Church located at 670 E. 800 N. Orem, Ut. A viewing will be held Thursday evening from 6:30 to 8:30 PM at the Sundberg-Olpin Mortuary 495 S. State, Orem and one hour prior to the funeral at the church. John was active in the church all of his life. He lived and practiced the gospel in his daily life. He married Debbie Kezerian in the Salt Lake Temple in 1968 and they had 6 children.
His obituary notice is located at the Daily Herald.
Ronald W. Tollefson Send Email
17 Mai Celebration 29 Mar 2009
It's that time again.
Come join the Norwegian community in Salt Lake City on Saturday May 16, at 11 am for a celebration of Norway.
Where: International Peace Gardens 9th W 10th S
Music, games, ceremony, food, friends and more
Hope to see lots of you there!
Sonja Jorgensen Escobar Send Email
Possible job opportunity for Norsk Speakeres 07 Mar 2009
Normally I do not post job listings, but in today's trying times, I thought there might be some interested in the following:

Emily Gremlich writes - "I work for a company in Orem, Utah that is trying to hire 2 Norwegian speakers. If you are interested or you know someone that might be please let me know. I can be reached by phone at 801-374-9300 or by email at"

-- Jim Jezek / DNM Webmaster
James Jezek Send Email
emails 08 Feb 2009
I am looking to get in touch with any sisters (or Elders) I served with in Norway. My email address is feel free to email me. Anyone else who may want to use this info may. Kelli Martin if you get this please email me. I am currently in contact with Sisters Roundy, bair, Coston Tone halverson and Staten.
Sister Stephanie (hodak) wimber
Stephanie Wimber Send Email
Marit Evensen 04 Feb 2009
I have been given a request from Randi Evans who used to live in Drammen. She is good friends with Marit Evensen and has asked that anyone who served in Drammen who knew Marit send her a birthday greeting, she will be 65. Her birthday is Monday, Feb. 9 but Randi would like the emails sent by Sat. Feb. 7. Marit's email is: Randi now lives in London and was a great friend to the missionaries who served in Drammen while she was there. Please, everyone who knows Marit do this for her, it will mean so much to her and to Randi. Thanks, Denise Stembridge
Denise Stembridge Send Email
Boots & Gloves 14 Jan 2009
This is a msg. for Chris Burns. I have been home for many years so I don't remember the brand of boots etc. that I bought but I did wait and buy them in Norway and they were great. There is a great website for missionary moms that you and your mom could sign on to and it will hook you up with the others with missionaries in Norway. It is: I am on it for my son that leaves for Brazil in February and have had many questions answered by those great moms. I'm sure there are many on that site who will help you with any questions. Good luck, and I know you will love Norway! It is the best mission in the world! Denise
Denise Stembridge Send Email
loking for friends in Bergen 12 Jan 2009
I am looking for the rasmussen Family Leyla. also the Johanssen Family Erna and parents. also Ingunn Hoff or Huff I cant remembe the spelling.

I visited Norway in 1979 ish. met these fine people and would love to find out about their progress and if possible write to them.

Kind regards

John Powell Send Email
Looking for Elder Ron Lowe 09 Jan 2009
I served in Norway under Pres. Wilford 1980-1982. Janine Greven, who was baptized during that time is now serving a mission in Germany/Austria and is trying to contact Ron Lowe from Canada who performed the baptism. Does anyone have any information on locating Ron Lowe? Thanks?
Hege Ingeborg Farnsworth Send Email
Gloves and Boots 07 Jan 2009
Hi, this is Chris Burns. I enter the MTC on February 4th, and I thought it would be a good idea to ask any returned missionaries who check this site regularly if they had any suggestions regarding warm gloves, boots and possibly gaiters. Does anyone have any specific brands/models that they found worked well? Were there any areas where quality snow boots were an absolute necessity? Did you ever use gaiters?

Thanks in advance for any information you can give!

Eldste Burns
Christopher Burns Send Email
Svein og Eva 02 Sep 2008
I have been out of touch for thirty years, but would like to have news of Svein & Eva Nielsen. Last I heard they were running an aldershjem in Eidsvoll. Good folk! I also need an update on Rakel Nygaard. I think her daughter Vera lives in Trondhjem.
Quince R. Peterson Send Email
Getting Married 16 Jul 2008
I don't know who all reads stuff on this hjemmeside ;) but my family is coming over from Norway (Gundersens / Evans from Fredrikstad and Halden)
Because I am getting married August 9th in the Idaho Falls Temple. We will have a reception that evening at 6pm

(2836 Dorothy St,
Idaho Falls ID 83402)

I grew up in Fredrikstad with my Mother Dianna and my dad Harty, along with my brother Eric, Anette and kamilla. My dad has served in the bishopric for the last 20 years and before 5 years in halden building up the branch. My grandpa that a lot of people might know is Glyn Evans from england, but he has lived and built up the Fredrikstad for many years. i used to know all the missionaries because i was a missionary lover, NOT chaser... please come and enjoy the day with us, it would be nice seeing people again.

Everyone that would like to come are more then welcome to, we are hoping to have lots of Norwegian cakes:)
Lise Gundersen Send Email
Norway Mission 1965 -1970 08 Jul 2008
I am searching for Missionaries who served in Norway sometime between 1965-1970. The missionaries visited the places Notodden and Heddal in Telemark County.
Didrik Strand Send Email
help wanted 26 Jun 2008

There is a family who are progressing through the discussion with missonaries but have come accross Joseph Smith's polyandrous marriage on the internet and are disturbed by this unfortunate aspect in our history. Does anyone know of an academic paper or research from a reputable source that I could refer to as a means of helping to explain why this happened? I cant see them progressing until this is explained or put into some reasonble context. I'd appreciate any help you can offer
John William Arnesen Send Email
youtube video 20 Apr 2008
I put up a youtube video with pictures from my mission and a song sung by a sleepy MTC district. It's located at I hope you enjoy it! I've already gotten two stars! (ummm... that's out of five)
Rob Hellebrand Send Email
Re: Chris Greenman 14 Apr 2008
He was my MTC teacher in June-July 1992 but I haven't heard from or seen him since.
Clint Payne Send Email
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