News Item: Midwest Norsk Misjonær Reunion
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Allo to all Alumni, Mission Friends, and Members who may have lived in Norway at one time or another - or may be traveling in the US this year),
I am interested in organizing a Norway Mission Reunion in the Midwest Area this Fall (preferably in September). I obviously cannot plan and execute this by myself (I am on several other committees for Church and private events this year and next) and so am looking for volunteers who would love to work together (long distance even) to organize this event with me.
Several locations that may be central for travelers in the MidWest would be the Chicago area, St Louis, or even Omaha or Des Moines. I live in Cedar Rapids, IA, which is about four hours from the big cities and 2 from Des Moines. Nauvoo is another possibility to consider as well.
If you are interested in working with me, please drop me a line at and I'll set up an initial conference call to kick us off.
I look forward to hearing from those interested in working on the planning/execution committee and for those who would love to come and gather.
Jim Jezek
DNM Webmaster
DN 1975-77
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