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Elder Lawrence P. Fowers (Sam)

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Charles Didier (1970 - 1973) | Sidney F. Sager (1973 - 1976)
Served: 1972 - 1974
Areas Served:
Nice, Cammack, Bell
Marseille, Bame
Besancon, Hedquist
Geneva, Hatch, Cassity, Asay, Harmon, Mooy
Toulouse, Kimbell, Williams
Michael William George Bell | Guy H. Thompson | Alan Wayne Wardell
Your Occupation: CFO, Tel America
Spouse: Jana Larson ('73-'74)
Jana and I have 9 beautiful children, with 5 married in the Temple. The other 4 are in school still, one at BYU. We have 4 grandchildren spread from Seaside, Oregon to Minneapolis, Minnesota. Our goal is to get them all closer. We have two sons who have served missions--Brandon in Venezuela and Jordan in Mexico, and another son Hunter that plans a mission when he is old enough. I have served as Bishop twice, on the High Council, and in many other wonderful Church callings. We are currently hosting Church History tours to Nauvoo and Palmyra and all of the sacred places in between. They are wonderful, so come and join us. We have a tour to Palmyra, Fayette, Kirtland, Harmony- Susquehanna, etc. in mid June, 2004. See MormonHeritage.com for more information. Our testimonies burn brightly thanks, in great measure, to our experiences in France and Switzerland 30 years ago. Jana and I would love to hear from you!
Created: 09 Feb 2004  Modified: 11 Feb 2004
Last Login: 11 Feb 2004 04:18:27 PM

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