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Michael William George Bell Alumni Photo

Elder Michael William George Bell

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Charles Didier (1970 - 1973)
Served: 1971 - 1973
Areas Served:
Montpellier, Toulon, Le Creusot, Dijon, Besancon, Geneva, Nice
Lawrence P. Fowers (Sam) | John Randall Platt
Your Occupation: Computer software
Spouse: Jennifer
Originally from Toronto Canada, have lived in US since 1976. Work for Merck-Medco doing computer software. 3 children (1 son currently serving a mission in Recife, Brazil; 2 daughters (1 married, the other working as an EE) living in Boise). Family all active. Held wide variety of church positions. Photo is of family when son left on mission 05Oct01
Served in Montpelier (with Jones, Timpson, Dudley); Toulon (Peters, Craven); Le Creusot (Zimmerman); Dijon (Zimmerman still); Besancon (Peck, Lloyd, Scoville); Geneva (Peters (again), Pruner, Oblad, Ard); Nice (Fowers, Gibbons, Sefcik).
Created: 05 Dec 2001  Modified: 03 Jan 2023
Last Login: 03 Jan 2023 05:21:32 PM

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